My wife works at Starbucks, so I am guessing she probably stole it from Starbucks. Or “bought” it.
My wife works at Starbucks, so I am guessing she probably stole it from Starbucks. Or “bought” it.
He’s a freakin’ dipshit.
You’re the moron that goes “I signaled why’d you crash into me?”
You are supposed to check for vehicles in the lane you are trying to merge, signal your intention to merge, and then allow any vehicle already in the lane to make space for you to merge (if such space is not available, wait). The white SUV did not do the last part and tried to muscle its way in , hence it got pulled…
Just because you turn your blinker on, doesn’t mean you can go where ever you want. You still have to wait for there to be room to merge. If you don’t see anything wrong with what he did, you should go back to drivers ed and stay off the road in the meantime.
But non-prick driver code is to let them in if they signal. I’ll block them all day if they can’t give me the courtesy of a signal, but if they signal, I’ll let them in. If you don’t, you’re a dickhead.
Um no, a signal light does not give the driver the right to cut in, drive through or turn into anything.
Right after he cuts in, the cop car brake dives, so I presume the Toyota may have brake checked to show his displeasure.