
Oh god, I still have nightmares from that scene...

This is the way the world ends

Nah, but her assistant is:

How to mess with Anime fans:

On Riverdale, Ethel will find herself in a romantic relationship with someone very different.

“I see dissatisfaction with the phallus very regularly,” said Dr. Aseem Shukla, a pediatric urologist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and associate professor of urology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

American Kinja Warrior.


Pro Tip: Just let the packet dissolve in your mouth.

I enjoy watching it, because seeing them fail to conquer a punishing, unforgiving obstacle course helps me feel better about myself when I get winded trying to open a sugar packet.

I sometimes wonder if there was a draft to disperse the Gawker writers to the other blogs, and if Ashley got picked last (or was dumped here even though Marchman said “pass”).



This is no joke. Do not go motorboating.

Do you even have a desk anymore? I picture you creeping around at night and posting on other people’s computers.

Ironically, these are terrible conditions for motorboating.

No no no no no. This is Deadspin. We do not pee our pants. We POOP our pants here.

Ashley Feinberg is a goddamn national treasure

Posted today.

[sees notification of being followed by The Concourse]