
This. He lost me exactly at that moment. All talk. No action.

I cannot begin to describe the grief I experienced when I was told I was infertile due to poor quality eggs. Through the amazing generosity of an amazing egg donor and ivf, I am now pregnant after years of struggling with infertility. Who are you to say who deserves children vs. who doesn’t based on their physical

There’s a much lower chance of success if you’re using just frozen eggs. Also, when you do an ivf cycle, typically, they will harvest a number of eggs from you and then fertilize the lot. You transfer the best embryo(s) into the uterus “fresh” and the rest that are viable are frozen for the future if that’s what the

Let’s just clarify, they’re against low income women having sex. Horrible.

That’s very admirable that you would adopt an older child. But not everyone has the capacity and emotional skills to feel they are able to adopt a child who very likely experienced some sort of trauma earlier in life. Adoption for a baby can take a minimum of two years, and even then is not guaranteed. The egg and