
He needs to be able to say that he won on this one, just like he’s claiming to be building ‘the wall’. If he doesn’t need to be building a actual physical wall in order to claim that he’s doing it, and walls are something that people can go and see, he doesn’t need to actually have the data. He can just say ‘yeah,

Imagine a cop being so corrupt that even Florida wouldn’t protect him, now that is corrupt.

So funny. I can see that you can dish out sarcasm, but you can’t take it in return.

Hahahahaha....!!!! British cars have bad electrics....!!!! hahahah....!!!!

I disagree with you 100%. Not on the kids thing, but nothing Timberlake does is even remotely “art.”

Don’t worry once everyone gets that massive tax refund/pay raise $1000 will be like pocket change.

I have a 4s and it suuuuuuuuks. What a shitty battery; if I’m using Safari while playing mp3s I sometimes run out of juice in like eighty minutes. (The 4 worked better but I had to upgrade for my wireless VerveLoop earbuds.)

The company hitched their entire image to scowling boomer pricks, their finances to dentists in leather-daddy drag on the weekends, and their public relations to BUY THIS BIKE 2 PISS OFF TEH LIBZ #MAGA

As a Millennial I can tell you I am not even remotely interested in anything they make because its all overly chromed and over priced. The only bike I like from them is the Iron 883.

He has a grotesque ego and a desperate narcissistic need to prove that he’s superior to normal human beings.

When that person is the President of the United States, a person who, whether you like it or not, is and should be held to a higher standard..... yes. Especially when he and his party are the party of MORAL VALUES.

No one is blaming you for shit. No one gives a shit whether you watch, don’t watch, or refuse to watch various media. Stop looking for validation.

How is it revisionism? The shows still exist. No one is deleting mentions of them out of imdb or wikipedia.

Regardless of whether his past work should be taken down, are you referring to this behavior (sexual assault) as an aspect of being “complicated?”, and that Louis CK is a good person doing an “icky” thing? Newsflash: Good people don’t partake in sexual assault. You’re confusing them with bad people.