
Couldn’t stand the film when it made the rounds, and I think that was a common feeling with my peers (twenty-something guys and gals).

Like she doesn’t already know about those kids Cincinnati who somehow got $4,000 in dental work last year!

Yeah, no one who owns a British car wants to hear another fucking internet expert hold forth on how British cars supposedly have crap electrics. Or worse, make jokes about it.

This reminds me of the courageous way Papa John’s Pizza took to Twitter to announce they weren’t necessarily against (or for) NFL players kneeling during the national anthem. Strong stuff!

I know this is post-Kinja AVClub, but that is not a fucking ‘shattered’ ankle. That is a fracture.

Tom Cruise wants to be James Bond soooooo bad....

Yup, our very own Stable Genius called the press the ‘enemy of the American people.’

I also heard some of them fell off their rascals and had to be given their high-fives after receiving their state-funded diabetes medication.

Two - uh - ‘casino’ girls I knew years ago talked about the time Trump flew them out from Vegas to NYC, in an attempt to get them to sleep with him. He was married at the time and they literally described him as “gross” and “disgusting,” but he thought he could get somewhere with them. They loved the idea of a free

Personally, I’m looking forward to hearing (again) from a certain segment of my family about how “both sides are crazy.” That’s getting ever more disgusting. I mean hilarious. I mean disgusting.

Wonderful... Yet another one of these, no charges were filed, so no trial, and therefore no guilty verdict, so - you know - we just assumed he’s innocent enough so that we don’t have to actually engage in the question.

Piece of human shit, Howard Stern, once made a ‘joke’ about raping school girls before they were going to be killed — while the Columbine shooting was actually occurring. (Yes. While the shooting was on-going and people were dying inside the building. Yes. He really did that.) And his pathetic so-called apology later

Does anyone know how to find the reviews for older TV shows on this idiotic site redesign?

Its definitely not just you... I have tons of car friends, and not one of them has any interest in this car. Looks, specs, sound, price. We have supercar fatigue, and this isn’t lighting the fire.