
I just returned from a two week “cultural exchange” trip to Cuba. Some tips from my experience:

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Wait wait wait... Spiderman is rich now?

chocolate covered bacon popsicle encrusted with pretzel dust . . . (has the shark been jumped yet?)

Sounds like someone’s thetans need auditing!

Self dense?

You hit someone, you're fired. I wish more people understood that. If I deck someone at my office, I expect to be 1.) arrested, and 2.) fired.

Actually, it's about exits in games journalism.

"We got rid of tuition fees because we do not want higher education which depends on the wealth of the parents," - Germany

This article is closure for me. If what I went through helps others, then I've made the world a better place.

Here's a picture of our little girl: Tova. It's Hebrew for good girl. She had advanced Alzheimer's and lost all track of her day and surroundings.

Hmm...cordovan/burgundy shoes go with every color suit. I guess they disagree.

I find it amazing how many articles there are on how to substitute different things for a steam iron. You can get a decent iron for under $20. Then the board is maybe another $5-10. And it's not like they're on the moon; they sell them everywhere.

I care about them but thanks to Zack Snyder the live-action DC movies look like emo films with the ridiculous obsession with grimdark atmosphere and depressing overtones. Not to mention that Flash's uniform is one shade of being black and Wonder Woman is wearing a brown dress + a black lasso.

Cover pic is totally cheating. If we all had closet that was bigger on the inside than on the outside, this wouldn't be an issue in the first place.

VOGON POETRY! SHE WRITES VOGON POETRY!!!! I'll bet she has a special poetry reading chair she seats her into!