
How does it compare to a BRZ/FRS?  I ask because I’m always thinking about my next car, and this looks like a great option to look for on the used market in 3 or 4 years.  

meh the Juke is fine, but that CVT just suuuuuuuuuuucks.  

I mean, ok, maybe I have a big ol’ beard, and I care a little too much about craft beer and local farm-to-table restaurants, and I have a Vespa, and I listen to Cambodian surf rock sometimes, and I have a collection of vinyl records and vintage electronics...

You know we’re not all hipsters, right? 

Ok if you’re a person who can magically crack an egg in a specific way repeatedly, I’d like to know where you learned magic. How the hell can anyone predictably crack an egg “along its equator” like that?

As someone who recently acquired the Subaru version of the 86, my vote is that one. It’s just the absolute best car for tearing round the twisties. Sure, it won’t beat anyone in a straight line, but who needs that? Straight lines are boring.

I give it back.  Thanks though.

What if I told you...this is unnecessary?

I had that same thought. lol

I agree with your wife’s snores about Blade Runner, but I also agree with you that it’s a critically important film in the history of cinema.  

What a fucking asshole.  

Ignore the astounding racism and celebration of European imperialist genocide of native cultures?  That’s probably step 1.  


In the winter, I tend to overheat because I wear a turtleneck under a button down under a wool waistcoat (either a sleeveless cardigan or thick Filson-Mackinaw-style number) under a jacket.

annoyingly, we have a giant west-facing picture window in our living room, which heats the hell out of the room in the evening despite our outdoor shade and some opaque sheers (they’re probably not sheers, but whatever they’re called - thin curtains?) we installed. 76 makes the room feel fine, but 74 makes it feel comf

...and now I have a Sisters of Mercy song in my head.  Could be worse.

Came here for this.  Three pedals ftw.

Well that idea can fuck right off a cliff.

Not sure where to put this question, so I’ll put it here. And honestly, I think I know the answer already. Know that this question comes from a place of respect and love.

Yikes. Don’t tell my parents about this - they’ve been angling to get me to move back home for years. My husband and I would prefer not to move back to Trump Country...