

Just a plug for a great organization of activist comrades working to build the power of the working class in this country:

Not sure that would work here in PDX - you have to move your car to the other side of the block after time expires, not just to the next spot behind or in front of you. But honestly, I’ve never had a ticket for feeding the meter beyond the time limit (knock on wood), and the new Parking Kitty system allows me to re-up

Mk VI, actually. 2012. Autobahn, with a stick. It’s fanbloodytastic. Prior owner had lowered it and put in some aftermarket nonsense that cost me some headaches early on, and the water pump & radiator had to be replaced at 50,000 miles which isn’t awesome but was mostly under warranty, but now that I’ve got all that

Right on.  Good choice.  My next car might be an R if I can justify the cash outlay (not just on the R itself but on 4 tires every time I get a nail in one of them...which is why I don’t have an AWD car right now...)

Also, he has $40,000 to spend on a car at age 30? Fuck off for real. Overachieving millennial.  Bah.  :)

Bah, a 4-door Golf R looks plenty professional. It’s a tailored sport coat and straight fit jeans with a button down shirt, optional tie and stylish dress boots. That’s an upgrade from the worn gym sneaker he’s currently driving. At age 30, I wouldn’t go any stodgier than that. Ok, fine, he’s got $40,000. Why not an

Exactly. Which is why I sold my very stupid but very fun Pontiac Solstice a few years back and bought the GTI. Lost a fun, sexy convertible roadster that might be show-worthy one day but was also 1) an American car with 100,000 miles in it; 2) a car that literally had less cargo capacity than my Vespa does; 3) a car

Buying a Camry is the car-buying equivalent of pleated slacks. Yeah, they’re practical, and you don’t care what people think of you in them. That’s it. If there’s a Camry in front of me, I know they’re going to be careful, responsible drivers and absolutely ruin any good twisty roads we happen to be on together.

Patrick George nailed it. Too old for a hot hatch? Fuck off. I have a GTI and I’m going to be 40 in less than 2 months. You’re old at 30? Fuck off. I say that lovingly, of course, but please do fuck off. Get a Golf R and be happy. It’ll take your dogs and your skis all the way up to wherever people do the skiing, and


I have the weirdest boner never again.

Yikes that movie was scary.

Give me a dead wet Japanese girl with long stringy hair coming at me in an unnatural way.  Those movies get me every damn time.  

I drink vodka because at some point I realized that my idea of a martini is “a large glass of cold vodka.” If I freeze the vodka, I can forego the ice, and then just have my large glass of cold vodka. Sometimes with a pickled asparagus spear in it.  Frozen vodka is refreshing and delicious.  I normally buy cheap-ish

This and its type R cousin look like over-engineered sneakers, with exactly as much charm and style. I don’t want to drive a sneaker. My GTI might not have the horsepower of the Civic R, but I actually want to be seen in my GTI. 

Is that enough to buy a racetrack and a fast car? If so, I’d do that. Id buy a racetrack and a Ferrari 458 Ita - oh good your fucking newsletter popup just interrupted me typing here - lia. 

This is dumb.

Future events such as these will affect you in the future.