
For fun? It was annoying and made no sense and looked exactly like the kind of awkward product placement that really takes me out of a thing - like Nokia and Budweiser in Star Trek.

Well it made no damned sense in the context of the show, so...

BUY OREOS. That annoyed the absolute shit out of me.

I am seriously OREOS annoyed by OREOS this show not just for its slow and not OREOS very engaging plot but also OREOS by the blatant and nonsensical product placement. The scenes in which the Oreos appear don’t even make a damn bit of sense.

Now playing

Yeah but did you see her rocking out with Def Leppard that one time?

What the actual fuck is with this show?

GTI is the correct answer, but:

Ok well now I really do have to see that. Donnie Yen is one of the reasons I started training in wing chun. Love that dude.

I would watch that.

I was on a cruise in the Mediterranean, also on Norwegian, at the same time as this - we heard about the Breakaway’s woes while we were sailing. We had a couple of rough days going through Gibraltar, and my husband spent a day in the cabin with some serious sea-sickness (and he was wearing one of those patches!) I,

Meanwhile, in Portland, our own independent video rental place, was recently saved from closure by a community effort.

I very nearly went to OU for meteorology, but they were like “Hey, it’s 5 years of math courses in 4 years,” so...I passed.

I hope they do some serious environmental testing of the soil & groundwater around there before they start construction. Probably a lot of toxic crap from leaking oil and fluids and whatever nastiness comes off of the Stig when he gets overheated.

I’ve been listening to endless amounts of synthwave lately, including the soundtrack to Kung Fury (which is fucking awesome, by the way), and I can’t get enough of it. WOOOOOOOOO


I despise the word “hater.” It comes from the notion that nothing a person does can be criticized at all ever in any context, because that person is perfect and beautiful and everything they do is pure and they piss gold butterflies. Thus, anyone who dares to say “hey, maybe you shouldn’t...” is a “hater” even if the

Camry drivers annoy me. They’re always so fucking...responsible...and here I am in my GTI just trying...not to be. Stop driving the speed limit and obeying all the traffic laws, you dullards! ;)

His loss was Tulsa’s loss. He was my weather guy growing up.

Not even joking, I miss Oklahoma thunderstorms. Moved to the Pacific Northwest, and all I get now is drizzle. There’s something existentially satisfying about a good thunderstorm. I don’t know what it is. I was in a store in Portland once and there was a thunderclap (a thunderclap, as in one, which is about right for