
Did he eat the spider? Otherwise it was a venomous spider bite.

I like that show - at times it gets very “dumb police procedural oh and also he’s the devil, but never mind that, it’s still a police procedural,” but yeah. I was stunned when I saw Tom Ellis’s performance for the first time, because I’d last seen him as Miranda Hart’s affable but clueless bartender

Aren’t there tax implications for accepting a gift like a car, or is there a family member exemption or a minimum value thing?

I don’t worry about kitniyot - there are five forbidden grains. I avoid those (mostly, if I remember), but yeah, I’m eating corn and rice and peanuts, ffs.

that, and I was referring to the yam noodles.

What the actual fuck is wrong with United? Every story about them is just...horrific. I for one will never ever take them again.

Neat, another thing I can have during Passover. Thanks!

Cool - a soy sauce alternative for Passover! Thanks!

What you said. I love building huge weird houses and then putting people in them to mess around. I also love turning everyone into vampires. That’s fun.

I want this in my garage.

A flying car. A jetpack that actually works. That gesture-based transparent computer interface thingy from Minority Report. FTL travel. A post-scarcity utopia. Immortality based on uploaded minds. Genuine AI that doesn’t kill all humans. Transparent aluminum. Time travel forward but not back. Cryogenics that actually

Aldebaran’s great, okay, Algol’s pretty neat, Betelgeuse’s pretty girls Will knock you off your feet. They’ll do anything you like Real fast and then real slow, But if you have to take me apart to get me there Then I don’t want to go.

I also liked Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Fight me.

I liked that movie.

I don’t know, BTTF2 kind of nailed that we’d be obsessed with the ‘80s right now.

This. I tried to read the book but it was literally a nostalgia reference manual with no story. Everything was infodump, and I got bored very quickly. Nostalgia’s great, but you know, a plot thingy. It can’t all just be HOLY SHIT LOOK ROBOCOP’S FIGHTING OPTIMUS PRIME AND THERE’S THE DELOREAN AND WOOOOOO ALL

Would it include an interior shot of sex? Cause I left the theater at that point.

I tried to watch a couple of episodes of this on Hulu last night and I was like...whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....holy pants this is a bad, bad, unwatchably terrible show! What the actual fuck. Seriously. Ok sure, it doesn’t help that Hulu only has like the last six eps available, so I don’t know a lot of the

well they used to be that, but now they’re the nights who save ecki ecki ecki p’tang whooboing....

Only if the question is “What car should I buy if I want to hate driving?”