
Well that’s annoying since I bought the damned season on Google Play. Bah.

Well yes, most of the time. :)

I call that a martini. Vodka, ice, shaker, cocktail glass, olive. Stare at a vermouth bottle for a second. Drink. Repeat.

Hrm. I currently have absinthe and nothing in the house. However, I often have whiskey and beer. Apparently those three things go together to make something called an “anthrax island” shot. I’ll have to try that.


You buggers are the reason I have a totally unnecessary PS4 on the way to me right now. Like I need another game console. Bah. :)

Now playing

NP, considering the condition of it. It’s very pretty.

Wow. This is very cool news. Now let’s get cracking on that warp drive so we can get there before I’m dead.

New TGI Friday’s Jack Daniel’s Southwestern Sushi Eggroll Burger Bites with Thai Peanut Sauce and Cheese! something they’d have.

Hoopy froods get a gold star.

Steak tartare seems to violate his rule against eating raw hamburger meat. I’m not personally a huge fan of eating a big pile of raw beef with a raw egg on top, but some people really dig it.

YAY! I really love the book and the BBC series. Happy dance!

This guy knows what it’s doing up there.

And now I will leave you to your .....moosey fate.

I’ve gotten really really into Scandinavian epic folk/symphonic metal recently, so this playlist intrigues me. Saw Nightwish, Sabaton, and Delain in concert last year, and Leaves’ Eyes and Sonata Arctica this year.

I’d be with you on this rule except then I’d also have to stop watching Wes Anderson movies, and well, I simply cannot do that. I don’t know - John Wick was one of those movies that made me go “huh, that was kind of good in a weird, sort of derivative, Keanu Reeves is a human brick, kind of way.” I’m intrigued by

Bye Felicia.

Go fuck yourself.

Tell me with a straight face that you still support Trump. Please. And if you can do that, then please tell me why.