
We’re all downwind of someone. :)

You do know the role that Iowa plays in our Presidential elections, right?

...I feel sad for you. More specifically, for your brain. Because it clearly doesn’t get a lot of exercise. *pats you on the head and walks away.*

V6 Hyundai what? I have a V6 Hyundai Tucson that drives like two of its cylinders are just decorative. That SUV would lose a race to the word “slow.”

Good GOD no. Thing 1: It’s an American car with over 100,000 miles. Warning! Warning! Danger Will Robinson! Thing 2: It’s a former cop car, so it’s had the absolute shit driven out of it, so see thing 1 again. Thing 3: It’s probably had literal shit sloshing around the backseat from crackheads and vomit from

I will occasionally put my GTI into reverse instead of 1st gear setting off, but only if I get kind of flustered about a traffic situation. Reverse is “press down and push the shifter up and all the way left,” and 1st is “push the shifter up and left.” The other problem is that I tend to accidentally put it in 3rd


“I thought a tad of empathy for people trying to get by was a thing.”

It’s a fucking anarcho-capitalist trojan horse. This is what having no labor regulations looks like, and it’s the future Uber wants for everything.we do. This is Ayn Rand’s wet dream.

I just looked it up. Anytime someone makes a HHGTG reference, I have to chime in. :)

Aldebaran’s great, okay, Algol’s pretty neat, Betelgeuse’s pretty girls Will knock you off your feet. They’ll do anything you like Real fast and then real slow, But if you have to take me apart to get me there Then I don’t want to go.

We usually sear them in a super hot cast iron skillet. We do the same for steaks. Sets off the fire alarm, so we always have to call the security system company and say “We’re cooking, please ignore any alarms for the next few minutes” and then frantically open all the doors & windows in the house.

Love the Decemberists, and not just cause I live in Portland. Got to meet the band a couple of years ago when the Mayor’s office did a whole “Decemberists are Awesome” thing at City Hall and the band did a signing of their new album at Music Millennium. Apparently Colin was like horribly ill the whole time but he

It is the best pork chop. :)

Did not realize you resided in our fair city. Hell of a snowpocalypse, right? Glad that’s done...

I had this precise thought. Man I used to be a BOSS at this game on my Commodore 64 cartridge.

Get your mustard ready. He’s got a Republican Congress rolling over every which way for him.

Came here to say this. I just bought a MKVI GTI Autobahn for $14,500. It’s awesome in all the right ways.

We are very going to die.

*scrounges for cash...nope...nope...aha! ....nope...*