
This is everything wrong. Everything. Wrong.

Ok I need to read this. Cthulhu f'thagn.

The manuscript was discovered in an old crate in the attic of the grandson of a famous explorer who had gone missing investigating mysterious things seen off the coast by an earlier explorer who had gone missing investigating mysterious things seen off the coast.

You are a hoopy frood and you get a gold star.

Lawl the authors of The Expanse book series have this response to their Epstein Drive

Portlander here. Our streetcar is fantastic and lots of people use it (not just tourists), especially now that it has been expanded into a full loop that goes across our new transit only bridge. But the city is also working on developing BRT to go out to the east side of the city where I live (which is exciting for me

Came here to post this.

Yes, on a Commodore 64 or emulator.

I just want Poe and Finn to be a THING.

Well I’ll watch it. DNA was a hero of mine growing up so I have to read/watch anything associated with his body of work. II really liked the 2010 series and wish it had continued.

What a hideous song. Still, digging the Commodore 64 he’s typing away at.

I already own Jazz. :)

It tasted like pepsi, but with a ‘clear’ flavor.

That is not something you want to drink.

I noticed this too - what’s the point of having armor if it doesn’t protect you from anything? Is it made of simple plastic?

did you know that was Daniel Craig?

This is exactly what I think about this episode and season.

Came here to post this.

Someone’s not going to be happy.

The Internet? Have the ELDERS approved this prize?