
Yes. I would watch that.

I’d be all over this if it were actual books, but I’m only marginally using ebooks...just not the same experience. I know I know I’m the literary equivalent of a hipster clinging desperately to a hi fi record turntable.

I already have, so I can use iPlayer if I want to (and sometimes I do) but iPlayer doesn’t play nicely with my Chromecast. :)

Oh bite my shiny metal ass, you moralistic pinhead.

Yes, so you’d like me to pay Amazon or iTunes $30 for a show that costs a British viewer five pence. No thanks. If I did that with every BBC show I wanted to watch, I’d subsidize the entire fucking British government.

That was weird and incoherent. I like surreal, but that had nothing to tie anything together. I needed at least one coherent narrative thread.

Ok, we did the math - your license fee is 145.50 pounds per year. Four channels of BBC. 12 one hour episodes of Doctor Who on BBC 1. You pay five pence for Doctor Who. I’ll mail you five pence (or fuck it I’ll mail you a dime since I have no British currency on me).

What’s your license fee, and can you figure out how much of that you pay for Doctor Who itself? Is it the equivalent of $30? That’s how much iTunes wants for Season 9.

And how precisely would you like me to do that? Buy cable? No thanks. I’m a cord cutter, and my option is...or soup. Well, I guess my option is to wait two years for Netflix to post the new season. No thanks. Is there another option to pay for it? I’m all ears.

Ok I have to ask - is it a dearth of bananas or way too many bananas? Or is it that the bananas Scranton has are in some way not ideal?

I’d love this to be split into ‘best classic episodes’ and ‘best Nu-Who,” because I’m one of those horrible people who can’t sit through an episode of classic Who because mostly they’re just BORING. I’m a huge fan - a HUGE fan of Douglas Adams - but I still can’t sit through City of Death.


Jar Jar as Deadpool. THINK ABOUT IT.

Well that’s just like, your opinion, man.

Yeah that was some freaky shit.

I was tremendously bored by that movie. I don’t know why.

Don’t you understand, Rachel? SHE NEVER SLEEPS.

My main answer would be “Dead wet Asian girls or their American remake counterparts,” which includes Samara/Sadako, but also includes:

I think my general answer is “Any dead wet Asian girls” ...which now that I think about it sounds like a really sick porn search. Eek.

Yeah. That’s....that’s just not ok.