I can understand where you are coming from. I almost never finish open world games, Breath of the Wild being the exception, because they are a slog to finish. But I get enough enjoyment while playing the games that I find them worthwhile.
I can understand where you are coming from. I almost never finish open world games, Breath of the Wild being the exception, because they are a slog to finish. But I get enough enjoyment while playing the games that I find them worthwhile.
I have a high tolerance for open world slogs. I enjoy the act of exploration and discovery. I love exploring and scavenging post apocalyptic locations especially. And I enjoy shooting/running from Zombies. Plus, I am a big fan of Sam Witwer. Additionally, my extensive history of gaming has made me more tolerant of…
Yeah, I really did enjoy the resource gathering aspects.
Sometimes my sarcasm is a bit harsh. It wasn’t meant to be serious, which is why the next statement was a Lebowski quote.
My response was aimed to be sarcastic. I wasn’t trying to impinge or devalue your opinion, which is as valid as mine.
GTFO with the game wasn’t fun. That’s like, just your opinion man. I found the game tremendously fun. Until I got to the other half of the map and was turned into a squeaky toy for zombie bears. Then I was done.
Thanks for clearing that up.
I’ll keep my eyes on it. Honestly though, I used the PSVR a lot less than I anticipated, because it was a pain to set up and use every time because the pass through box did not support HDR. Also, I did not like the isolation so I did not like playing it when my wife and/or kids were home. Which has basically been all…
I’m happy with PS+. I’ve had it for 6 years now, I have hundreds of games added to the library. It more than pays for itself at the price of one game a year. And sure, lots of the games are duds, but lots of them are not. So many games I never would have tried otherwise.
It’s just buying me more time before I have to get an Xbox for Elder Scrolls 6.
I always thought it was a toothpick.
The internet has failed me again.
I don’t remember.
Madden and NHL on the genesis ruled.
I nearly concussed myself while rolling an important frame of Wii Sports bowling.
Not really more robust. Actually fairly vague and inconclusive. The first two requirements are clear: 1. Orbit the sun, 2. Be a spherical shape. the Third, clear its orbital neighborhood is not very precise at all. Some planets share their orbital neighborhoods with lots of objects, and Neptune’s orbit is intersected…
It was re-released on the 3DS at one point, I believe.
Out of all the reasons those few frames are in the film, the director being too lazy to cut them out is probably pretty close to the bottom of the list.
Depending on the demographics, Diamond and Pearl might have been the first Pokemon a lot of the responders played. My son is about to turn 20, and it was his first, so he considers it the best.
Nah. Breath of The Wild is a cornerstone game. A benchmark. It transcends being a game to being an experience. It’s a lifer in the pantheon of classic games.