Sinister Portent

Teens are children. My god. But the rest of your statement I agree with.

I believe that D’Onofrio is playing coy as to his future appearances. I expect he has a pretty good idea on what is going to happen.

I’m just truly pleased that we get more of Vincent D’Onofrio playing the Kingpin, whether it is the same Kingpin or not. He and Charlie Cox truly elevated the Daredevil series to a new level, and I’ll take as much of both actors playing those characters as Marvel is willing to give me. 

My dad was an air traffic controller/manager when I was growing up. He frequently  volunteered to work on Christmas because of the Holiday pay. It was grueling having to wait to open presents until he got off his shift, but I do appreciate the sacrifices he made for us(his family).

Bravo, and thank you for all you do.   But you don’t have conversations.

Rude, and Intolerant. 

Intolerance is not my type of thing. But this subject is clearly something you don’t want to discuss in any way. It’s something you want to make a statement about.

The limited gameplay video I watched from the game looked pretty cool. I can understand the appeal of a school shooting scenario from a purely tactical point of view, but I’ll be god damned if I would ever buy a game that includes such content, no matter how tastefully or carefully done.

Maniac Mansion was my first true obsession. After having played and loved Labyrinth by Lucasfilm games, I was blown away after seeing the first ads for the game, coming soon. I spent a lot of time pouring over those ads. I honestly think I had my parents order the game directly from Lucasfilm games. I think we mailed

Looks like a totally brainless movie. Sign me up!

The answer is pretty darn Mexican. But really, it doesn’t matter. It’s worthy of celebration and enjoyment on its own merits.

I’ve successfully made ganache on multiple occasions. That is a sure sign that it is very easy to make and difficult to mess up.

Really solid review. Picked up the game since it is on sale at gamestop for $37. It will be my Christmas present, so I’ll be joining the flood of Christmas noobs. Always a good time.

I was going to post about how ridiculous custom plates were, until I saw the purple one. I’ll be getting the purple plates and controller to go with them. Curses.

I think you can draw some fairly meaningful conclusions from this demo. It’s rendering a large, highly detailed open world with global illuminations, large numbers of AI cars and pedestrians, ray tracing, object physics, etc... It’s not a little tech demo of a model walking down a steam filled hallway with reflective

Impressive. They can make planets.

The Best Cowboy/Western game was Outlaws by Lucasarts. I loved it so much, even if it did steal level design puzzles from Dark Forces. Even the multiplayer was fun. It got even better when they released the Glide support patch. It’s probably the game I played to completion the most times. 

It’s all a moot point either way, as Ward B is not pursuing any legal claims and Kalashnikov is not going to give any credit where(if) due. 

I think I totally missed the original posters point. Santa with guns is gross.

I thought 1942 did a fine job of realizing its vision. I wish they were doing as good a job now. (Still love the series)