
Is she still caterwauling on about Neil "I shoulda banged him" Gaiman?


Now that I want to see.

I would say that was the worst part of the movie. Also, Zach Snyder was clearly having a dick size-off with Michael Bay with the indeterminable extended action stuff at the end. Sheesh.

Looks like the goofy one from Batman Forever or Batman and Robin.

Nathan Rabin should make an appearance, right?

I'd feel better if Constantine was on FOX with Sleepy Hollow. But come on, for us old time fans- way back when he showed first up in Swamp Thing, who the hell would have thought that Mr. Silk Cuts would have not only have had a movie, but now a damn TV series????

Union fucks. And I say that with zero irony.


Wait…back up. Masurbating is sexual dysfunction? What about masturbating at least??

Yep, every once in awhile, you connect with the gopher ball.

I like the one that deals with booze being legal. Is that 21?

The Meatmen had a song called "Morrissey Must Die".

The biggest problem Moz had was the prototype hot dog cannon that those Scientist guys had with them that launched meat missles into the crowd at low-wobble subsonic speeds, for maximum tissue trauma.

Well, I'm not all that religious, and I often question the big picture or what it all means. But I feel that oftentimes the simple good that churches and people do for their community or the world at large are lost in the racket from the extremes of either side aisle.

Good preparation should never be discounted.

Can I go out on a limb and just try and make an argument that just because someone is religious or goes to church, they are not automatically an ass/ignorant/brainwashed?

Christian on a pagan-named website? You should have explored.

Did your eyes survive?

Do they have the obligitory scene at the male stripper review when Rick the Dick puts his dick in a hotdog bun and one of said mom's grabs the dick and then won't let go of the dick?