
Saw FG for my 10th birthday with a bunch of friends, all hopped up on candy, soda, and being 10. My one friend had given me the cassette of the soundtrack, and I still remember the 8 of us piling into the family Buick Estate faux-wood paneled wagon, with the soundtrack cranked up, my dad driving us to the theater,

All we neeeeeddddd……is a view that we can shill!

I hereby lay claim to the phrase "Hedgehog in Lederhosen".


Kill me. Kill me now.

Satan's Condo: The Association's Fee is Murder



Wouldn't reverse Dharma and Greg be a vaguely nerdy but cute guy living with an ineffectual lesbian?

Well, two "Arrow" vigilantes,

The Strain books were godawful. I mean, really bad, especially the last one.

You had me at "it's like True Detective". Guess I have to add this to the cable package…unless Netflix will eventually get it?

We used to speed run Contra on Nintendo without the cheat code. Ah, freshman year of college….

Agreed we'll said, sir.

Right on. Plus, they discount the rest of the office and the ensuing comments. Lazy?

Agent Puck R. Ectum

Sweet. Down with the norm, Dowd. Intrigue us, sir.


Batman Beginner?

I do, but the spellcheck on my ipad disagreed, and I am a slave to technology.