I want to see Wendy Crowe's tramp stamp. Please?
I want to see Wendy Crowe's tramp stamp. Please?
Genevieve Koski
PDN- aren't you dropping coverage? Is the "B" grade for 'Bye?
Eurovision sounds like a Z-grade super power. Does it make everyone look french?
whatever happened these guys? 25 years=jobs, mortgages?
Cutting out the middleman ergo reducing hands in the till is lost when "net neutrality" is perceived to be threatened.
I never understood why paying for more bandwidth is a problem? If I use more water, my water bill is higher. If I use more electricity, my electric bill is higher, right?
They are recounting what happened in 1995 during their 2012 interview. And contradictory stories is in an unreliable narrator's wheelhouse.
Nice article Sean. Especially the last bit.
Yeah. I jumped the gun. I guess I was excited to see Nathan's name and missed on the date?
ALL good drops, including the ones "on the bubble."
Dude AVClub primer the kiss of death???? WTF??
Double, triple, still was a home run!
It's because the story is being told from the perspective of narrators. We're not omniscent audience- we are sitting listening to whatever Rust and Marty tell us (and they are unreliable).
I think everyone may be forgetting that the story is being told from the perspectives of (unreliable) narrators. Hard to give Maggie depth if Rust or Marty is telling a story, as it's from THEIR perspective. Ergo, if she's not with that at the point of the narrative, she doesn't really exist.
Ok, fuck criticism. Let's address the elephant in the room : They get the hottest pussy on this show. Nice to be the lead actors/executive producers, yeah?
Satellites, man. Government is trying to read your minds, man.
I live 3 minutes from where the house actually is. Lot of the stuff mentioned geopgraphically is true (or, was true. Lived in the town my whole life). Kind of neat to see/hear. My wife knew some of the family friends way back when, actually.
He had sex with Wanda and then banged that other nurse and Wanda was pissed. Or something. Wasn't that an ep?