
I agree with everything Sims said above. I am trying so hard to stay vested. Unfortunately, it seems that we are watching Marvel's Agents of S.N.O.R.E.

Agreed. characTers and dialogue are3tgood. and my cellphone sucks.

Not an A or and A-. Still, it was entertaining. Great cast carries the show.

That's a political dream team ticket, man. Imagine the feedbags of pussy they would strap on those horses.

No worries my northern friend. It's mitigated by Alanis Morrisette giving blowjobs in local theaters.

Goddamn, O'Neal's knocked it out of the park with his sheer truthiness of this all-too apt description. Righteous!

And aliens. Always with the aliens.

Shit books. Ironically , it was written to be a show, was passed on, so they wrote books. Now books are a show again.

Not while the members of NAMBLA buy movie tickets it isn't!

If I was a website designer, I am pretty sure that I would code in HTMH(ell).

Not without pants he won't.

R2 is sick of the goddamn paparazzi. He did his time in rehab. No more motor oil binges for him. Now fuck off. Beep.

Dammit I should read other comments first.

Wait, if a Timecrime has been committed, it's time for Timecop!

Um, with or without chin?

Pray tell?

Also, John Teti is a sweater vest model. Or possible superhero in disguise if you factor in the glasses.

Drinking(Taking?) Take the Black Beer guarantees that you can't get laid without being executed +/or exiled over The Wall. Possible downside for the typical bar drinker.

Hey guys- glad you went back to the old format of writing it up and asking staffers, instead of just video. It's fun to watch, but also fun to read other staff impressions. And, reading is quieter than video when at work…thanks!

Thanks for the clarification. I either have post traumatic stress from watching, or post traumatic excitment….!