Thanks Scott. I like you articles. I feel like it makes me a more educated viewer of films and TV. That's a lot to ask of you!
Thanks Scott. I like you articles. I feel like it makes me a more educated viewer of films and TV. That's a lot to ask of you!
"Cut to the wet vulva on the windshield."
Yep. hands money to Marvel
Exploding sperm in a jar, minotaur sex.
And then it exploded in the fire while blood rained down on her vagina.
Madam, you have experienced an emotional trauma. I will call for a rape assistant unit.
I am fairly certain that the executors of his estate play Anthrax's I AM The Law as they receive the peons requesting to license His Worshipfulness's legacy.
Raises hand in agreement
Interesting points. Thanks for the insight.
He is three feet taller than Lee. At one point, he leaves a size 22 footprint on Lee's chest.
Mike - where did you read that Chuck Norris would haven taken Lee apart in a real fight? Chuck Norris's invincibility notwithstanding , I would be curious to read that myself.
Don't blame me. I voted for Kodos.
I liked this episode. At least we saw the main plot advance. Guess I am not a tv critic, because Skye in panties appealed to me. Scorch was a dumbass name. Glad he's gone.
The answer is: fuck this "band".
I met this prick after college on business. Sociopathic asshole. Amazed he is not in jail. He deserves it.
I'm ok with that.
This is likely off-topic, but where can I see the kim Kardashian sex tape without paying for it OR risking a computer virus?