
Phil Dyess-Nugent!

"I agree with these opinions and statements"

I still love that March Brony article linked up top.

Patton Oswalt's Wesley Snipes story was awesome. Bring it back!

Dowd trying to channel his inner O'Neal, here?

Like to see a Zombified Twilight Sparkle fuck up her finance's day, that's for sure.

As this is almost at the 7 month anniversary, we can't but wonder whatever happened with this? Did they consummate their love, and go on a honeymoon?

Wolfman has nards.

The midocholorians are abandoning ship!

Happy Monday, Conspiracy Tuesday, Pensive Wednesday, Aghast Thursday, Fearful Friday.

I agree with your assessment. I recall liking the earlier sci-fi ones better than "real magic".

Man, the 20xx's are tough. In the 80's, all anyone wanted to do was walk like an egyptian. Now we want to fuck like them.

He RODE a Blazing SADDLE…..

Clearly, you're in your 40's like me. Pass the Geritol(tm)!

I would not disagree, but I donated them years ago. I remember a lot of heaving bosums in hay stacks.

Another entertaining light fantasy, somewhat less creepy (admittedly a low bar) were Christopher Stasheff's Warlock in Spite of Himself series. They got darker as they progressed.

I read a whole bunch of them. I forget when I stopped, but it was in the 90's. The first bunch were great. Didn't he star to lose it at the end? I don't really remember. I read a shit-ton of books because we weren't allow to watch TV.

Ugh. I read them as a kid. I always wondered why they made me feel kind of funny. Then I read the book about the telpathic tree where the middle-aged guy starts boning the babysitter, and I figured it out.

Wait- which was the Subway Ninja? The white guy or the asian girl?

"Okay you cunts… Let's see what you can do now!"