"Today we're going to cancel the apocalypse! My blu-ray player is finally working and my agent gave me the full season box set of The Wire "
"Today we're going to cancel the apocalypse! My blu-ray player is finally working and my agent gave me the full season box set of The Wire "
I had my share of shirts as token boozy frat guy, so thanks.
Dude, booze-centric Hobbes shirts tore through college campuses in the late 80's and early 90's.
Update #2 points out that they were rollign metal carts at him, chucking bricks, and then using HVAC units as battering rams. This will all work its way into some Bay movie. Probably tomorrow.
"Thank god it was an Air Max(tm) he bit into. Those are not only cool shoes, but may hold the key to stopping the dece-whatever giant robots in my next movie. Short version- BOOM!Give me some money!"
He could have unleashed the trees.
At one point, LaVar Burton tried to step in and intervene with his Reading Rainbow powers. But he was crushed between giant robot balls.
At various points in some sequel or other, there were jive-steppin' robots from the hood, and a giant robot with massive metal testicles dangling as a "weak-point" between "his" legs that some plane launched a hellfire missle into to cripple-in-pain said giant robot. Or something.
Wait, was it a window unit, or a big central air compressor? Inquirin' minds wanna know!
Todd, you seem positively giddy today? Something fun you want to tell us, or do you just really, really like Wednesday TV?
Really? I can't imagine that would ever happen. I can't fathom who that could be argued for, but I sure can see it getting argued against.
One big problem with paying the student-athletes is Title IX. You'd have to pay the chicks, and no one gives a shit about women's sports. It's 74% men's football and 24% men's basketball. The 2% is every other collegiate sport, men and women, combined.
My 11 year od, 9 year, and 5 year old loved this. And as a parent it was a LOT more tolerable than a lot of the dreck on kid's TV (I fucking hate Sponge Bob).
I love that AHS makes Todd batty. That alone made me get on da bus!
Right, whoops. I did screw it up. Thanks.
That sounds like a pretty good reason to me. I'll buy it.
Nope, Philly. Seemed logical, said it for years. Never watched that show, but maybe there were ads that affected my subconscious. I am a mindless consumer afterall.
I fucked up a ton ofnot-serious relationships. I was a bad breaker-upper. I basically would just ignore them and go on with my life, regardless of where they thought it was. And sometimes would string along for the booty call. Ugh. I blame my senior highschool grirlfriend for fucking me up so bad for literally 15…