I didn't take the giant scenes to be now. I assumed it was all connected to the explosion. Which made Laura even more of a bfd
I didn't take the giant scenes to be now. I assumed it was all connected to the explosion. Which made Laura even more of a bfd
Wasn't Leland abused by Bob as a child at Pearl Lake?
Awww - that was a really sweet little show
Nice try Dinesh
Maybe it's not simply about getting from A to B, maybe it's about experiencing the space between A and B. I'd suggest that Lynch has a keen awareness of the importance of timing and the way it affects our emotional responses and every scene is exactly as long as it needs to be.
Was that the good or the evil brain-tree? I thought it seemed a little dirtier/darker than the good one but it was hard to tell
Well if this is the case, it'll be interesting to see how he Magoos his way around the hitman, who seems like quite the go-getter. Although I'll also be happy if this week we just get a scene of the hitman trying to buy a new icepick but being flustered by a kind but ditzy old man shopkeeper.
I'll give this a go as a dumb schlock fan but am hoping it isn't too self-aware/wink at the camera about it all.
Sweet as bru
I thought she was going to get bitten by a snake or spider when she was fossicking around the woodpile but I'm Australian
It kind of reminds me of something in Treasure Island where giving someone a black spot means they're on the chopping block. (Also represented by the ace of spaces elsewhere).
I don't get all the angst here. I think the comment about Twin Peaks: The Force Awakens sums it up pretty well - the last thing I want is a comforting rehash of a 25 year old tv series or something that conforms to our current expectations of current 'golden age' tv. I haven't been bored for a second - sure, I'd love…
Yep, beautiful bookend to Lillian's arguments with the cooking sherry and rubbing alcohol
Man, I still feel bad for killing those monsters first time around.
Evil Coop seems to have plans going on within plans, so it seems reasonable to me that he'd arrange to whack Coop directly after the transition. The timing can't be a coincidence.
I read that in Andy's voice, so it must be true
Yeah, I've come around on the music outros as well. Particularly after last week when the cut to the band at the Roadhouse wasn't an outro and there were scenes after, so now we're never 100% sure it's the end of the episode
My 2 cents - I'm enjoying the Dougie stuff because of the way it is getting us to meditate on who Cooper really is and also how it is easing us into this new world. I haven't taken the Dougie scenes as being played for laughs, though there have been some nice comic moments (chasing coffee and the lift) and the fact…
Thank you - I knew it looked familiar but I got sidetracked looking for classic criminals
Yeah, handwritten "new" sign attached to the old fat trout sign. Guessing he liked the name