
I agree and I have been frustrated by a good deal of Jezebel’s politics reporting lately. They need someone with expertise in the federal government to do this sort of reporting or edit these sorts of reports.

OK, I see your point but is it really that big a deal? They are giving all the profits to PP...? How is saying you didnt vote for Trump hypocritical if you didnt vote for him?

“...who are trying to charitably give solace to themselves...”

I read a piece right after the election—it may have been Shaun King, but I don’t think so, those days are a red blur. But in the piece, the writer, who is an African American man, talked about going out and not wanting to be exposed to any white people that day because he didn’t even want to ask the question in his

How did that come off as mansplaining—let alone mansplaining to women of color? If anything, I would think it would come off as mocking white women of an age bracket and regional locale that would predispose most people around them to presume they are Democratic voters—or not voters at all.

Thank you for this. I agree completely that without context (what else was in the bill that may have been legitimately objectionable) this “story” is both meaningless and misleading, which is actually quite an impressive combination.

I was reasearching the recent Cures Act, as I work for a major pediatric society that’s deeply conflicted about it passing; while they’re thrilled about increased money for medical research, they’re incredibly worried about the decreased safety parameters for pharmecuetical companies. Specifically, the FDA will no

Importing drugs from Canada was a favored policy of one Joseph Lieberman, noted liberal firebrand. It’s bad policy and has always been a cheap, shitty political ploy. Nobody will remember this meaningless vote in a year, much less in 4 years. But it’s good to know that Gizmodo Media is getting a running start on

This type of reporting is just downright irresponsible.

I agree. I wanted to see it. Had I watched it and thought it was glamorizing the KKK in any way I would have stopped but I was interested in a peek behind the sheet. It does seem important to know that this goes on and how in order to try to change it. I believe there was one woman in the trailer who was no longer

by some A&E docuseries following the fuckers around and basically showing that, on some level, they’re “just like us”

Just FYI, Locomotive Jones is a long-time Gawker troll who infested Jezebel after Gawker got shut down. He occasionally manages to sound fairly rational, when he’s not doing things like posting pictures of women at Clinton rallies and rating the ones hot enough for him to rape, but not engaging and/or dismissing is

It’s a strange day indeed when an Irish senator counts as a “celebrity.”

February seems a lifetime ago. Obviously my rather sunny optimism about my country back then was somewhat misplaced.

Perhaps Americans might want to take a page from Casper ten Boom, a Christian Dutch man in his 80's who voluntarily wore a Star of David when the Nazis ordered Dutch Jews to do so.

In addition to everything else, we have to be on Megyn Kelley’s side.

What’s ridiculous is even the women having approved, god-fearing sex with their husbands while faithfully taking birth control occasionally get unexpectedly pregnant. I live with my boyfriend and missed my unfailingly regular period last month. If I had been pregnant, I would have had an abortion. I’m 41 and never

Do you know that she tried? There is no mention of any nefarious activity at all in this article or in the links. That tells me for whatever reason it is not public knowledge-which is fine, we don’t need her health history. But this is going to rustle up some feathers from people like myself that support abortion and

You assuming she had no education or access is just as bad as me assuming she did. But it makes you feel better so, go ahead I guess.