
I wouldn’t assume these officers are “scared out of their minds every second of their shifts.” Can you actually not understand why someone might fear for his life when being shot at?

While I agree with your overall sentiment...

I’m confused what you believe the proper response by these officers should have been.... they were shot at by someone.

I’m going to go ahead and guess this was the reason they feared for their lives: “he revealed a pistol and fired one shot at them”

I don’t care who’s shooting at me, trained or not. If bullets are headed my way I’m afraid for my life.

This bums me out, not gonna lie :(

Probably ecause its not a popular sport. They also didnt talk about the shot putter who got americas first gold in that event.

I love seeing pictures of ridiculously short people next to ridiculously tall people. Genetics are crazy.

Maybe it has something to do with that fact that they’re completely non-functional?

But those are two separate issues. Tig doesn’t want Amy to speak for her? Cool.

Short hair is becoming increasingly agender-but you do nobody any good by pretending that historically, there hasn’t been a gendered component to it. Same with pants. Gender norms shift, but you cannot deny that they exist, which you appear to be trying to do.

The fact that being a woman hurts women dies not detract from the fact that not looking typically feminine also hurts women.

I mean, I may catch some flak for this, but: masculinity and femininity are social constructs, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. The entire basis of gender presentation revolves around the idea that there is, generally speaking, a spectrum of presentation ranging from “masculine” to “feminine”. Masculine is

Do you find the idea of women “looking masculine” so confusing in the trans/bathroom articles too? Our culture's traditional gender roles are pretty ubiquitous, it’s hard to imagine anyone being genuinely confused by this.

So a gay man can only be a secretary in the Army? SMDH it’s 2016 people.

I grew up in the 19th century and I don’t like trendy names like Michael. What’s wrong with traditional names like George and William? Snowflake.

The WaPo article says she was 7 months pregnant.

OB doctors insurance rates, like all insurance rates have little to do with actual liability costs and everything to do with the stock market.

Be careful with the slippery slope argument.

Wow that’s a huge dick. His penis is pretty big, too.