
(((hugs))) or if you’re not a hugging person (((appropriate amount of distance to convey good feelings without being overbearing)))

Today is a shitty day so I can’t handle this right now but I am really, really looking forward to looking at it later and laughing. Preferably with a giant glass of wine in my hands. Or just some whiskey because fuck this day.

That doesn’t make it not a study. They collected more than a thousand samples from control and experimental participants in accordance with a completely accepted research design.

Not “ew.” A small study, but one that can be expanded to see if there are real benefits.

How do you think the baby comes out of your vagina? In shrink wrap? Your vaginal secretions are ALL OVER the baby. It’s by design.

Hillary, you really put a lot of effort into this post. Regurgitating a Slate article within minutes of its posting is the height of science reporting.

If we rejected or accepted studies based on how they were reported in the popular media, no scientific progress would be made. Ever.

They actually *all* did pre- c-section. That’s the point.

Doctors and researchers trying to address any differences in health outcomes between babies delivered c-section and those delivered vaginally.

It’s not a trend! It’s a goddamn scientific study.

I’m baffled and dismayed by all the negative responses.

It’s believed that the bacteria from the vaginal canal are the important missing ingredient that C-section babies don’t get. Those bacteria are specific to the mother (it would probably be a bad idea to jam any old vaginal bacteria from a stranger onto your baby) and they are possibly affected by pregnancy and

This is not a “new trend”; this was part of a study. Do you need it? No, because it’s not SOP and babies are surviving, but it’s A STUDY to see if it’s possible to mimic the beneficial exposure to the flora of a mother’s birth canal in babies delivered via C-section.

Gilmore’s plan is all falling into place: used to be in thirteenth place, now in EIGHTH, and rising fast. This man is playing a long game, and he has the patience of Job. Underestimate him at your peril!

“To be honest with you, it has been such an extraordinary year for women, I’d feel like I was letting my side down if I didn’t go,”

I think the way the message is being presented is off, but there is something awesome about a bunch of older ladies who have done their best to pave the way for an easier, freer existence for the women coming behind them getting excited about the possibility of having a women as the president of the United States.

Yep- this is exactly what my bf said last night. She was very uncomfortable in a very-uncomfortable-by-nature situation, which makes her a human. A beautiful, smart, genuine human who served our country and is a veteran at the age of 24. She will end up with someone with way more to offer her than 48 conversations

what’s the point of speaking up at all if this is the kind of reaction it provokes? we get it, no one is as racially sensitive as you. give yourself a pat on the back.

Yeah, though extreme actions do suggest extreme motivations at least, if not cognitive issues. For example, very few mass shooters stay both alive and free after shooting up a crowd. Even utterly ignoring morality, it’s unusual for someone to value their own survival and freedom of movement so little.

I haven’t watched Making a Murderer (I don’t know if I can, honestly), but I have to say that at this point in my life I would have a lot of trouble serving on a jury in murder (or other very serious) case, especially if DNA evidence and/or expert witness testimony were to be heavily relied on. I have felt this way