
This is an interesting argument, and not one I’ve heard before. But something about it still makes me uneasy. It feels like we’re looking for a way to justify a feeling that these things are morally different, as opposed to arriving at our conclusions about the matter based on the evidence. I’m sure there are material

Now playing

Gosling seemed a bit awkward. But Kate is she a star! She’s the best thing on the show by far!

Seriously, I find it so disheartening that men like Daniels are attuned enough to causes of social justice to recognize a disparity in how the media treats black men versus white ones . . . and still find it easier to identify with black abusers than with their (almost always) black victims.

“[Terrence] ain’t done nothing different than Marlon Brando or Sean Penn, and all of a sudden he’s some f—in’ demon,” says Daniels. “That’s a sign of the time, of race, of where we are right now in America.”

Hey I don’t know if you knew this but there isn’t like someone in every bar holding a gun to men’s heads and making them buy drinks for women.

Maybe nobody has survived to tell about it.

This nonsense is hitting me differently now that I am on the mature side of 35. I work in a pretty conservative environment, and hitting on staff in the office is def. not tolerated, but slightly off color jokes, weird compliments that are jest this side of creepy are pretty common. When I see it going on with younger

I hope he’s also lying about running for President.

I mean, again, I agree that there is an over-emphasis on transition stories, but that’s because those are often the most thematically rich and story-filled part of the life of a trans person. I mean, it’s a pretty boring show/movie if it was just about a trans person living his or her normal life post-transition.

While I understand your perspective, something a trans actor (I forgot which one) said in an interview has stuck with me; that playing a character prior to transitioning can be very painful, as it require them to reinhabit the space they were in before transitioning. This is one of the reasons Laverne Cox does not

Dear god, if fashion week doesn’t end soon, there’s going to be a rash of murders in Chelsea that I have no knowledge of and definitely didn’t commit.

One trembles to imagine the string of ex-girlfriends reading that story and breathing a silent prayer of relief that this fuckwidget has finally been semi-stopped.

Me and my sisters went to catholic school for a year when we were little because we were living in an area where my parents didn’t feel great about the public schools. (We’re not catholic.)

I wrote a parody of Passion of the Christ (as a kind of performance art piece) that was so sacrilegious that my friends who performed in it had their kid taken away in a custody dispute when the Catholic judge was shown pics of it. Took years to straighten out. Worst thing I ever accidentally did.

If prayer really worked there would be more than one season of firefly.

And all y’all bitches said vaccines weren’t dangerous. WHO’S LAUGHING NOW?!

“I like that you’re not as ambitious as my ex. She never had enough time for me.”

Well I appreciate it.

Everything about this sentence is wrong except for the word “you”.

OMG. The “today” is killing me.