
Isn't Rosie queen of Corona a teenaged girl from Corona, Queens who the hispanic narrator (I assume also a teenager) has sex with, leading to her racist dad getting him arrested for rape and forcing him to flee?

It's way too flattering to Steve Jobs (in many ways) to describe Nathan as "a reclusive, Steve Jobs-like genius"

This episode really emphasized pop culture, referencing it or showing it in the background. The camera lingers on Tootsie as they leave the theater to go to the bathroom, we hear a lot of what Paige is watching on TV as her parents get home, Henry's Mr Robinson's Neighborhood, the video game. Why so much in this

So what was Stan thinking when he was watching Zinaida on TV? I didn't know quite what to make of that moment. Is Erik suggesting that Stan is realizing that she has nefarious motives for telling America what it wants to hear?

Not necessarily the funniest line, but a very useful one in everyday life is "I can't promise that I'll try, but I'll try to try."

So if one movie with too many closeups get nominated it means we don't have a systemic problem with bias against closeups? Now who's being naive?

All those films you mentioned were primarily telling interesting and entertaining stories. Selma aspires to educate and make an argument (that grass roots are more important political figures for driving change). It's reasonable to expect that an argument is based on truth. If you can't trust Selma, it loses a lot of

AV club gave it a B

Oyelowo also did a body transformation

Don't forget the Liberace numbers

yes, and killed them

Yeah, I think this season has been darker than last season.

Yeah, completely agree. The editing was choppy and it just isn't believable that small skinny Elizabeth could beat up a large male Mossad agent.

Why did the Mossad agents each go after their opposite gender counterparts? And, sorry, but I don't buy Elizabeth beating up a larger male Mossad agent.

When she first left the hotel room, Todd's wife's theory crossed my mind. But the rest of the episode made it pretty clear that it was carefully planned and not really ambiguous.

I think it was hearing that Jared wanted to go to school because 'his parents would have expected it' that made her change her mind. She realized that his conception of his parents as he knew them was a positive influence on him. Taking that away would be like killing their ghosts.

I forgot about that! Maybe that's why The Squid and the Whale is one of my favorite movies.

I hate how easy it always is to find a parking spot right in front of wherever in new york city the character is driving to. I'd much rather watch the character search for a spot.

I don't think there was any improv in that

Everyone is grading this on a curve because it was the president and not an actor. I think the expectations should be higher. This should have been the best episode of Between Two Ferns ever, but it was only pretty decent. Also, I thought Obama's response to being called a nerd was weird, not sure what they were