Miss Champagne B

Wow! Sooo did they not understand what he was doing? Or just didn’t care?

Same here was too young, but I do remember that dancing baby that everyone was talking about. Didn’t understand that either.

As they should! Florida should be working on becoming a ghost town at this time. They gotta get out of there even if it means driving as everyone can’t afford to buy tickets for the whole family.

Man that dude and mayweather just gamed us with that pre talk and walked out with all the monies in the world.

Great post! Never heard of him but you have sparked my curiosity to learn more.

Pretty cool story! I know a lady who reconnected with her biological family after she was adopted as a young child. Maybe it’s magic! Voila!

The net has been going crazy over this! I gotta see this video.

I LOOVVVEEE Prince! I will be watching this....or hanging out with friends who have this cable so I can watch it. lol

That is ridiculous. That is super lack of respect and his mother should be apologizing to the teacher. Even if the teacher did something wrong (unless if he was attacking the kid) You are supposed to let the adults handle it. Now if that teacher got the upper hand, and whooped his little tail, it would be the

At least it didn’t turn into some type of riot or murder, or destroying of campus, because we are allegedly animals. They tried it.

Any eclipse parties happening???? may be kinda cool!

I will say, regardless if you like Solange or not, I love celebrities that use their platform to promote critical thinking, versus poppin that p*ssy.

Wow! Lovely pics! I’ve never been, but I would love to check it out!

People can’t help it. I mean how many posts come out about ragged B*tches and then some women come far left to say, “nuh un! We aren’t all like that!” It’s just some people’s need to let others know that this is not the norm, whether it is or not.

As long as there is honesty, I feel like do you. It’s when the deceit comes in that I have issues.

Girl write a blog so I can read about it!!! I want that juice! lol It’s so interesting to me. It’s not something that I am personally into (tried it) but I love to read all about it.

They use it as derogatory but it’s a pretty known s*x fetish. lol Like very popular!

I actually like Safaree. He’s just a funny guy. He’s like my least drama guy. I still remember last season when he day he wanted it all. LMAO Ray J set him up for that!

Doesn’t sound like those are scientific facts, but the results of social conditioning.

Is this going to be PPV? I’ll pay to watch this f**kery!