Kathy Cook

Imprisoned her in a parallel universe and left a genocidal human version of himself to keep her company, then erased the memory of the one person on Earth who knew what he did. Yeah, he's moved way on.

Broadchurh is on Netflix, now!

Honey, listen. If he imprisoned you in a parallel universe when you broke up, he's moved on. Stop calling.

Straight out bragging here. I buy boxes of full size candy at Costco and give them all out. I live on a corner in a really nice house and light up the yard with inflatable ghosts and spiders and pumpkins so everyone knows there is candy here. Lots of kids get driven to the neighborhood (we see the cars) and I have a

I live in a lower-middle class neighborhood that is bordered by much poorer areas and every year at Halloween, those poorer, mostly black families come through to trick-or-treat. Sure, a lot of them don't have costumes. But maybe they can't afford them or don't have parents that care enough to help them out. Sure, a

Getting someone to drive you to the "best" neighborhoods for candy is an american tradition. I did it, my parents did it, no doubt my grandparents did it. These are the rules of trick or treating. First, you hit the "best" neighborhoods and get as much candy as you can (and at least one of you is carrying an extra

Celtic Studies nerd here... actually Hallowe'en has traditionally been a time of giving bread or treats to the less fortunate. In medieval Britain and Ireland, the poor would go souling, which is going house to house and offering songs or prayers for the dead of the household in exchange for food, or guising, where

Yay!!! You're like a fairy godparent waving a wand and making all my dreams come true. I'm a real girl now!

People suck, but I am not surprised by this, because I have heard the very same thing from some of my neighbors. I live in a historic neighborhood (so the houses are old and close together) in the downtown of a city and Halloween is a HUGE deal there. Lots of people go all out on decorations (we do a whole graveyard

Our neighborhood (solidly middle-middle class) is situated right on the edge of the suburbs. Past us, the landscape quickly turns to farms and intermittent trailer parks. We get loads of trick-or-treaters carpooled in from the outlying areas, because those kids don't have a neighborhood to t-o-t in. The first year we

Of course, if anyone were to use welfare to buy candy for their kid, this person would be screaming about how they should be buying nutritious food instead.

But it just bugs me, because we already pay more than enough taxes toward actual social services.

100 water balloons. 4 kids. 5 balloons tossed per minute per kid. Five minutes of fun until "MOM, WE NEED MORE BALLOONS."

I'll see your Strongbow, and raise you a Tatanka.

Dan Snyder's a jerk, and there's no doubt that relying on this "Chief Dodson" guy the way they did was clumsy and misguided on the team's part. But the fact is — all that aside — the overwhelming majority of Native Americans don't actually find the name offensive.

I can't tell you how many times I read that part wondering "Am I gonna have to read this whole thing again to find the sentence I missed that makes this make sense? Did it never make sense?"

If Daniel Snyder wanted someone who could withstand the scrutiny of playing both a Chief and an Indian, he should have hired Hank Azaria.

Probably not. I feel the same way watching Tom Baker episodes of Doctor Who, but 70's instead of 60's. Still enjoy them too.