
Thanks for signal-boosting this, Gita. I've had three left joycons develop drift at this point, all outside of Nintendo's unreasonably short warranty period. I'm planning to attempt repairs but that's clearly not something a customer should have to do within a year of purchasing an $80 product. I keep hoping there's a

I’m inclined to make that type of reading - and it poisoned Bird Box for me last year - but I didn’t feel it here. Which isn’t to say it’s an unreasonable reading; the juxtaposition of the lines with the July 4 event is conspicuous. I just tend to see Stranger Things as neither especially interested nor especially

Ahhh lucky you, Into the Breach is amazing. It might be my GOTY 2018 if Celeste hadn't come out the same year. Anyway, if you enjoy it I'd also recommend the Watch Out for Fireballs podcast, which recently dedicated an episode (it's a games analysis show) to Into the Breach. 

You’re talking my language! Here are the indie games of this year that I’ve enjoyed the most: Wargroove, Steamworld Quest, and Outer Wilds.

I haven’t watched that Pushing Up Roses video yet - for some reason I’ve been exclusively watching the hilarious Murder She Wrote retrospectives on her channel lately - but I’ll check it out. I’m glad folks are occasionally still making games like this, since I feel like my love of retro platformers is well-catered to

I totally missed this Devolver bootleg thing so thanks for highlighting it - I’ll be picking it up today. You wouldn’t think they could live up to their conference last year but I’m glad they have.

Yep, I was not loving the Barret characterization in the E3 presentation, though at least he looks cool. 

I think you're right. 

This is why I imagine it’ll be tough to pick up traction on this sort of legislation, much as I like the broad strokes. Heck, does experience grinding in an MMORPG constitute predatory development since it effectively encourages addiction and leads people to spend money extending their time with a game artificially?

This is exactly what I was going to say! Doesn’t sound like I’d see eye to eye with this guy on a lot of things, but I very much support more extensive protections against predatory anti-consumer practices among game studios. 

Shoot, the other comment did make me laugh but your insight is spot on. 

Good call. There is always need for empathy, and we shouldn’t ever respond to someone (like these staffers) who clearly need help by mocking them. Also as you stated, there’s no way for regularly viewing graphic real-world violence or gore to not have an impact on a human being; its possible that these folks didn't

This is shockingly bleak, and I'm embarrassed to say that I never really considered what the process of creating this sort of thing could do to a person. I'm glad that everyone got their game out to good reviews and decent pay, but this is a grim toll that shouldn't be part of the process of creating art and

Thanks for raising this issue, Heather - I wasn't aware of Rousey's comments (though I admittedly don't follow MMA). I'll have to review whether she's changed her tune in the future before patronizing anything associated with her. Keep raising awareness for dummies like me! 

What you’re referring to is Rousey’s legal right to make these statements. It is Heather’s reasonable response to raise awareness and encourage others to avoid the game based on Rousey’s cruelty, though. She’s not making the case that Rousey’s comments should be illegal (constitutional free speech, etc.) but rather

Woohoo! Shesez’s Boundary Break videos are among my favorite content on YouTube. The one on Dark Souls really highlighted the amount of craftsmanship that goes into making Miyazaki’s worlds feel so detailed.

The best route, in my opinion given your current setup, is REmake HD, RE2make, RE4 HD, then RE7. That’ll get you all the series highs and give you a good breadth of tone and visual style. If you get hung up on one, you can move to the next. They do have an ongoing mythology and recurring characters but the details

RE4 is a big one for me too. I’ve owned it on GameCube, PS2, PC, Xbox 360, and am eagerly anticipating the Switch port. Super Mario World is another one for me - I never owned an SNES as a kid but always wanted one, so I buy SMW on literally every piece of hardware that I can. It never gets old.

Theres no reason to pick up the PS Classic if you have a PS3, PSP or Vita. It has a smaller legacy catalog running on less capable hardware. The only appeal is an approximation of the console’s original appearance.

Brilliant article. As a person with a professional background in archival science, I’ve found the cultural disregard for game preservation downright galling. The complex backdrop of licensing and IP rights ensures that no corporate-produced version of a console’s history can ever offer more than a rough sketch of