
Bizarrely, as I think back, I'd probably have to say that the Metroid series has most frequently been my summer game. I played both Metroid Fusion and Metroid Prime over the summer months. It doesn't really lend itself to that very well, you'd think, but I have fond memories of playing Fusion on a long car ride and

That's the best kind of summer adventure!

Finally got back to my stationary bike daily regimen after about two weeks off thanks to a minor knee injury. So happy to be burning off those calories again!

I'll go to bat for Target's frozen Archer Farms pizzas every time. They're so good that they occasionally overcome my desire for carry-out pizza!

Having just replayed the original Metal Gear Solid after not having even seen it since… 2000 or so, I was shocked at how well it held up. Much of that was down to the blur effects that they used, but the PSX-era textures could sometimes work as a kind of impressionist take on reality.

Good call on Nier. All of the promo material had me ready to just turn a blind eye to it, but the buzz around it (and everything I've heard) has me genuinely interested in it, and I"m excited to scoop it up once it hits a decent discount on Steam.

Hm… as is my way, I'll offer two answers to this week's MAWP:

Even my ideologue nephew conceded that the one exception to his anti-Nintendo platform (prior to playing ARMS) was Mario Kart, which he described as "the only good thing they make."

Glad it wasn't just me with Pearl - she looks scary! Still, I did enjoy her rapping on the soundtrack, so I guess I won't boycott the game in response.

Same! I don't know if you were around to read my rambling story over on the… other site, but I mentioned a delightful scenario last weekend at a cookout when my ludicrously anti-Nintendo nephew (he's 13 and loves edgy YouTubers, so you know) did a 180 after playing ARMS with me on the Switch. Now he wants one, haha.

This is the week of triumphant returns.

All hail the return of KEYBOARD GENIUSES!

I find that intriguing too - Nintendo does not seem to have a unified approach to this subject yet. It reflects their fairly experimental approach to mobile games as well, since they have the single-time buy (Super Mario Run) as well as the incremental F2P transactions (Fire Emblem Heroes). One wonders which model is

I agree with you entirely on the Season Pass thing - I bought in, since there was enough stuff currently added in the Master Trials to pull me back into the game, but if there wasn't, I would absolutely be waiting until the Champion's Ballad gets published. It's the reason I didn't buy in until I know everything that

I would agree on the Korok and Hero's Path stuff - this sounds like QoL improvements that users shouldn't be paying for. The Master Mode almost feels the same way, and would feel less so if there was more stuff like the floating platforms being added.

This sounds awesome! I'm excited to get together with some friends for a Switch/board game party this Saturday night, but there won't be any home-brewed beer. Enjoy yourself :)

It's one of the best! (and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, ahaha)

It's my proudest achievement, haha. There's also a bonus mini-campaign that I made in the SMB3 style. Both are pretty good, if the reception is reliable.

I'm so, so excited for Hollow Knight but am somehow holding off until it appears on Switch. It was tough not to pull the trigger during the Summer Steam Sale, but I somehow managed!

On a related note, Breath of the Wild amiibo were restocked at Best Buy this week. I picked up Zelda (WOOOO!), but I think all had reappeared.