
If you have a DS or 3DS, I recommend picking up the Chrono Trigger re-release. It's arguably the best version of the game currently available, and it's somehow still in print.

No, I never cared for it either. I was much more fond of the pixel style back at the time, and while I appreciate the forward-thinking craft more now, I still think they look pretty crummy.

Good grief, this is the nonsense you get when you try to swing for the fences with little preparation. These games aren't tough to emulate, but SEGA clearly did as little homework as possible on how well they'd adapt to touchscreen controls and hardware issues.

Yuck - the controller issue is a pretty significant one, along with all of the quirks that non-unified hardware introduces. I'd rather buy a device designed to play a set of games than have shoddy versions grafted onto my cell phone.

A bold statement!

Hey, you gotta look for that silver lining…

It's amazing and maddening to me how willing people are to take out their frustrations on retail workers. Ugh.

Ahhh isn't it the best?! Bizarrely, tinkering with settings on Dolphin or PSCX2 (or whatever it's called) is almost as enjoyable as playing the games. Wish the PS2 emulator was as good with HD retexturing as Dolphin was, but c'est la vie.

That's commitment! I think the only game that I've bought and bought again is Super Mario World (though, hilariously, I've never owned the original release).

WOOOOOO! If I can find one, I will be buying one. This may be the only classic system that would pull me in, since I missed it when I was a kid and always wanted one (ignore the fact that I could buy an original on eBay - this one comes preloaded with games and an HDMI cable).

It didn't seem to be very popular with the writing staff, but I think the commentators tended to enjoy it. I don't have a PS4, but I'd be playing it if I did!

I'm definitely looking forward to picking this game up someday - I have enough slow-paced RPGs that it wasn't a good fit for me right now, but I've heard pretty much universal praise.

It has been an exceptionally strong year for games already, and the Autumn is looking darned fine too! Also, much as we'll undoubtedly be happy to have you back, I fear that America in 2017 is not an ideal place to return to, haha.

Ahaha, I started doing that one time, had the same thought as you after gaining one of each ingredient and then realized that there was no point continuing. It's nice that the game allows you to encounter something that isn't meaningful to you, say "I'd rather spend my time on something else," and still basically get

Aaaargh, all three of those moments are so utterly powerful and transcendent. Thanks for remind me :)

That's too bad that you got that reaction. I mean, folks are just trying to be helpful, which is good, but wouldn't it be a shame if people turned away from all art that profoundly moved them?

Yeah, we live in a staggeringly privileged time for this medium (at least by comparison to the past - who knows what the future will bring). As somebody who has been playing games since the early 1990s, I'm not sure any time has been as compelling as the 2010s.

That was one of my favorite aspects too, and I think it's what makes BotW such a compelling "ideal" game for me - it's effectively the game I want, regardless of what it is specifically that I want to do (with major exceptions, obviously, like online multiplayer or something).

I don't think it's any surprise, but The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is at the top of my list. To be honest, it's near the top of my list for games overall. As a guy who prefers his games to be solid 30 hour affairs, rather than the marathon sessions typical of large-scale games in the 2010s, it's a minor

If there's a dramatic misstep in the pre-release promotion of ARMS, it's the lack of clarity concerning the fact that it is 100% a multiplayer-oriented game with virtually no satisfying single-player campaign. I guess maybe they thought it went without saying, but I do feel bad for anyone who pre-ordered it assuming