
Oh OK - this makes much more sense.

Plus, given that there's no streaming media on the Switch yet, it remains the key gateway to Netflix evenings at my house.

Hm… I believe it, though I still have a DS Lite from 2007 that opens perfectly.

My one regret buying the New 3DS XL is the absence of changeable faceplates. I prefer the size, I prefer the screen space, but I'll be darned if I'm not sad I can't customize it!

Oh no, that's alarming - I think Propeller Knight is my next challenge. Well, him and Tinker Knight. Hopefully it'll go well.

I never thought of this!!!

Lucky you - finding the eighth heroine statue was one of the game's (numerous) take-my-breath-away moments.

Are you talking about a battle royale in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? If so, I'm afraid I can't join, since I'm not picking up the new game (I have the Wii U version). But I'll still be happy to swap friend codes, since I'm sure there'll be plenty of other multiplayer opportunities in the future. I'll check out my Switch code

Ugh. At least it's like a red flag for "person whom I can opt to ignore in the future." I had someone actually say snowflake out loud in my presence the other week, and I've just turned off my interest in interacting with that person in the future.

Good call. My eventual strategy was to use a Lynel bow, poetically, to launch five bomb arrows at a time, catch the updraft, and repeat the process, occasionally going hand-to-hand.

I don't know if I've ever felt stronger in a game than when I destroyed the Lynel hanging around the ruined coliseum. It was still a legit challenge, but I wooped him so much that it included riding the Lynel like a horse and attacking it while seated.

I'll need to check out that KG thread - I think I was only around in the morning, so I probably only saw the flattering ones. Hopefully they didn't get too unkind; normally Gameological is a bastion of civility.

Next week marks the first time I've spoken on a nationally broadcast webinar, and the first time I'll have given a speech at a conference, so needless to say, I'll be trying to forget about those things this weekend through the magic of games (though, admittedly, I'll also be doing the readings at Mass on Sunday).

It is a little silly, given the overall Nintendo narrative of 3D being a key feature on the console, but I think it's wise to offer a cheaper alternative to folks who don't care about the feature. I'd have bought this New 2DS if it had existed at any point prior to owning a 3DS (and now a New 3DS). I just don't care

That's kind of weird, if I'm reading this right - someone is boycotting Retro because they aren't talking about their upcoming software?

I'm totally with you. One of the more heartening things I heard out of Nintendo's PR recently is that they have a bunch of new IPs they're planning to debut over the next twelve (?) months or so. They've knocked it out of the park with their last few (Splatoon, likely ARMS, Pushmo, BoxBoy [HAL] and others) so I'm

That's an extremely apt comparison! And funny enough, I've never made the 'switch' over to Blu-Rays from my DVDs, though I did upgrade to the Switch from my Wii U. It's such a case-by-case thing that it's hard to unequivocally recommend the console yet.

I bought it purely on the recommendation of folks here - having not been a fan of Nintendo hardware since the mid-1990s - and have never been so happy to buy a failing product. The Wii U was a lovely concept, had consistently excellent software, and will remain a fixture in my household for years.

I think this a pretty cynical comment. As the owner of a Wii U, a 3DS, and now a Switch, I have derived more enjoyment from these pieces of hardware than almost any I've owned, and I've been playing games since the early 1990s. Nintendo offering a cheaper alternative for people to buy into their hardware/software