I can’t quote chapter & verse, but there’s a bit in the bible where Jesus says ‘I was hungry, and you did not feed me’ etc. Is that in Matthew? Seems like none of these ultra-slick prosperity megachurches are at all familiar with that particular gospel.
Joel Osteen is a Pharisee, in fact.
Oh, I’ll happily add a hearty “fuck you” to any rich person who gives money to prosperity gospel grifters.
If he never reads a negative comment, how does he know to address it in his sermon? HUH, JOEL OSTEEN?!!
Do you actually think that a person who didn’t offer people help when they clearly needed it and then lied about it will actually use that money for anything other than to enrich himself? Come on, you’re being so naive YOU’RE ridiculous.
When will we be delivered from having to see his caffeinated-squirrel-with-facelift mug all over the media? It’s enough that I have a couple of relatives who post his “inspirational” messages every damn Sunday (including one person who just coupled it with a humblebrag about how blessed they are to have golf and…
And remember, if you’re questioning whether a televangelist who begs poor people for money and lives in wealth rather than poverty like Christ, that’s Satan in your ear.
No it will be to get the homeless person smell out of his megachurch.
Speaking as a person, I think Joel Osteen is a rubbish person. Speaking as a Christian, I think Joel Osteen is an absolute garbage monster who is the one of the worst kind of Christians — the hypocrite.