
If they were going for the Hyundai Pony look, why not just call it the Pon-e? No less dumb than stylized quotation marks and a number (which clearly will not be part of any logical sequence of model #s).

I mean, maybe look at an electric bike/scooter? Though obviously that may not be the best year-round option depending on where you live.  Having said that, a lot of the electric scooters offer motors in the 1kw just like that car, meaning you’re getting the same power to move a lot less weight...

This is the most pointless car color of all time. The color only looks consistent because of how matte it is - meaning not only will it look dirty as soon as anything gets on it, but that conventional cleaning methods (including anything that uses soap and leaves even the tiniest residue, or anything that uses wax,

Uber and Lyft lose money each time they enter a new market, since they’ve got to splurge on marketing (everything from ads to giving away ride vouchers/free rides), but I suspect they’re actually losing money because they’re burning money on “reinvent transportation” type BS - Uber’s self-driving car project is a

Is that true? I’m not sure we know that prices are lower than they should be. If the companies’ claims were true, and their customers were really drivers, then frankly, they should be able to get away with charging a small, possibly flat fee per ride and make money, the same way newspapers made money off of

While that’s true, I think it’s also possible to divorce physical objects, in your head, from what actually went on with the Nazi regime before and after WWII. By focusing on cars, tanks, planes, etc., the stuff of action movies and childhood models, it’s easy to forget why these goods were produced, and what else the

I really think hybrids will have a place for a while: There’s tons of people who have range anxiety, justified or not, but there’s also tons of that an EV won’t work for anytime soon:

While that might be true, there’s certainly a lot of people who saved, scrounged and sacrificed to get down payment money for homes near the peak of the market (2006-7), under the belief that home values would continue to increase faster than incomes, so if they didn’t buy then they’d never be able to. It wasn’t

As others have noted, it’s a closely-held private company, which puts it in a different position than even say, Papa John’s, where John was the founder and CEO and a major stakeholder, but not the majority owner.

There’s no way I can see MLS being rated that high up, but focusing on leagues is somewhat misleading:

On that note: A slightly older friend just posted a photo on FB of her husband taking their tweenaged daughter on “her first date,” so that he could show her “how a gentleman acts” on a date. I avoided throwing up in my mouth, but it was a very close call for a while.

YES. And I guarantee that every #boymom who says “well, my son has lots of energy/likes playing with toy trucks/makes fart jokes” because he’s a boy also uses that justification to excuse behavior that ranges from totally normal for a child that age (meltdowns and tantrums happen), to totally abnormal but justifiable,

To be fair, there’s always going to be a battle between real vs. fake evidence, and technology to detect something and technology to obscure it. As soon as fingerprinting became widespread.... so did criminals using gloves. If you have a sample of someone’s DNA, it’s basically high school science to replicate it, and

Will Aston still be around in 20 years? They’re all about branding these days, and licensing the Aston Martin name to make them money

Other than “no-charge-to-student” (don’t call it “free”) college, the only way around this is to prevent parents anyone from “pre-paying” for college.

Throughout their history, marketing departments have always had a... casual relationship to actual data on effectiveness, at best. If companies were smart, they’d just do something like affiliate links in exchange for posts, but of course they’re not so they just live on the hope that someone seeing a picture of a hot

One of the main drivers of terrible automotive fabrics is fire resistance (along with cost).  Just don’t get me started on whatever godawful fabric they put down by your feet.

How often do you have to condition cloth? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

I think game length and price are definitely a big part of the solution. I also have high hopes that in the next 10 years or so, developer tools will mature significantly in ways that we can’t entirely see now, cutting down on the “grunt” work needed to make a game. That’ll cut down on the total # of person-hours