On safety, yes, a car from 2018 is much safer than a car from say, 1988, but a 10 year old car is probably designed with pretty modern crumple zones, airbags, etc. etc.
On safety, yes, a car from 2018 is much safer than a car from say, 1988, but a 10 year old car is probably designed with pretty modern crumple zones, airbags, etc. etc.
An increasing # of people are holding onto phones (and cars) longer. The $1k iPhone X is exactly what a MBA student would tell you to make if people were keeping phones longer: “You used to sell a $650 phone every 2 years but now people are holding on to their phone for 3. What do you do? A: Sell a $1k phone so you…
Plus, how many people really care about HP anyways? A lot of cars have 0-60 times that seem fairly atrocious on paper (say, nearly 10 seconds), but I see tons of them on the highway.
Behold, a vinyl decal for the hood to give one a “Soul patch:” https://www.moproauto.com/soul-patch-2-vinyl-graphics-decals-kit-engineered-to-fit-2014-2015-2016-2018-kia-soul/
THIS. It wasn’t that long ago that Toyota ran ads touting the number of people who had 100k+ miles on their vehicles.
I’m not if things are the same where you are, but when I think of an E-series van, I always think of a vehicle at least 10-15 years old, if not older.
excessive noise and fumes from the exhaust system became a problem too.
I mean, kind of, but the vast majority of Bezos’s wealth is tied up in Amazon. I’m not sure what % of Tesla is currently on the market, but let’s Bezos wants to buy 51% of the company.... dumping $35bn of Amazon stock would definitely dent their stock price, at least temporarily.
There’s a lot of fault to throw around, but there’s also an opportunity to find solutions.
I’m not sure if comments were initially turned off since this is a commerce article, but I’m not convinced that travel cards are a better deal, depending on exactly what your spending pattern is.
I’m not sure if comments were initially turned off since this is a commerce article, but I’m not convinced that…
I played both in high school, and I think there’s a lot of merit to what you’re saying, but rugby also has a budding problem with CTE. Yes, its not worse, and that’s with only a few of the players wearing protective headgear, but the sports are very different.
This. If you have to have a rigid pad anywhere, the rules of the game should mandate that it’s got equal amounts of soft padding on both sides.
I think the solution is somewhere between football and rugby. Rigid pads (as used in football) make people feel like battering rams in full body armor. Scrum caps aren’t mandatory, and probably aren’t quite thick enough to stop even moderate damage.
My high school coach, who played pro (though, let’s be honest, in the CFL) and also played rugby thought he had the answer, and the more I think about it, the more I think he’s right:
Really? What information would make this ok?
How does an airline sell a seat twice and not sort it out before boarding?
I came here to say this (except the 2nd part, in general, I don’t think enough about Nissan to care whether they live or die, though I can’t think of a single vehicle they make that I’d like to own, particularly for what they charge for it).
Which is exactly why I think it’s a dumb exec using “executive prerogative,” since any rational design would go for less, not more. (Though, I guess, LEDs have gotten dirt cheap, and if you’re going LED-only, you only have to wire for minute amounts of current.)
I’m not saying that if the tariffs went away today that the F150 would be outsold by Hiluxes next year.
I think you’re totally right about it being off-the-cuff, partly because significant parts of Ford’s SUV/CUV isn’t that competitive: The Explorer’s current gen has been around 7 years, the Escape since 2013, the consensus with the Edge is that it’s.... OK, the Flex is destined to remain a niche product.