
This man is truly, utterly vile. His screeds are the production of a mind so enraptured by his own superiority that he fundamentally cannot believe that there are people who would disagree with him. The slideshow contains such gems as exhorting recruiters to hire the “holy grail” of a male engineer with Aspergers,

Were you there ? Cuz here is feedback from someone who was and there were a lot more like this

You know how some (just me?) have that soft wet inner lip area that could never be covered by lipstick because the color wouldn’t stay put? When these people get big lips, doesn’t that inner area expand? Where do they get more outer-lip-skin to get these lips? Not sure my question makes sense. Anyway, I remain puzzled

Well, look at it this way. His delusion allows him to feel like HE’S the one being victimized by the Sandy Hook shooting - since it was “fake” in order for the government to “take his guns”.

There’s an intense need on the part of some pretty unpersecuted people to feel persecuted.

Cholula? How bougey.

Yes, just like Seaworld. It is all about the conservation. Even if we accept your premise that zoos do engage in conservation efforts, it can still be true that zoos are exploitive and far from the best means to promote conservation. Sanctuaries and wildlife preserves are also able to promote conservation of a

Zoos have to transcended their centuries-long origins/business mandates as forms of entertainment that never took the welfare of animals into account. You can’t blame people for being skeptical that now zoos have a completely new mandate that directly contradicts the older one. I mean even Sea World makes the same

They come from a long tradition of brutal exploitation, so many people do not trust this new raison d’etre.

Fuck zoos.

I’ve gathered you’re quite popular around here, so I’m probably going to get my ass handed to me for even asking you this, BUT:

You know what has been bugging me for a month?

Uh, yeah, it was. That is a true statement right there.

Oh for sure. The Yellow Wallpaper gives a really harrowing glimpse of its deeply damaging effects.

The rest cure was actually pretty horrifying. Weeks-to-months in bed with NOTHING to do. No reading material, no visitors, nothing “stimulating,” no getting up to use the commode or bathe. NOTHING. Just the bed (usually in a hospital, so the room was sterile, too) and bland soups delivered by a nurse. Women who were

You don’t see how buying a motel and specifically setting it up to allow you to watch hundreds of people having sex without their consent for over two decades and then taking creepy notes on it is different from accidentally coming across some people having sex in a forest, getting an eyeful for a few minutes, and

Somewhere in the night, a strong, healthy tree uproots itself, falling to the forest floor with a reverberant thud.