Sincere Person

The plot thickens.

I'm looking forward to more references to Mexicans and their love of fireworks.

That doesn't mean there won't be holograms of him dancing at the Super Bowl.

If you kind of unfocus your eyes he's Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Do gossip columnists play a character? I mean, maybe if you actually knew Robert Friedman you wouldn't think he was obnoxious at all, but he puts on that act when he writes because that's what people expect a gossip columnist to sound like?

Maybe now we will finally find out where he got all those wonderful toys.

Is it some kind of automated hiding based on the high number of down votes?

That would never work. Who ever heard of a barbershop duet?

We need an episode where Kyle MacLachlan, Miguel Ferrer, Russ Tamblyn, and Frank Silva form a barbershop quartet.

I liked the decommissioned oil rig destruction in Iron Man 3. During the entire battle I never once found myself wondering if the collateral deaths counted in the tens of thousands or the hundreds of thousands. It kept things more light hearted.

I'm new to the A.V. Club, and I don't know if people read older posts, so I don't know if anyone will ever see this message. But I was so curious I had to sign up to ask: When you described Big Jim's evolution from Kinda Sleazy Guy to Snidely Whiplash Villain (without actually mentioning Snidely Whiplash by name) then