
Saints Row 2 is a fine game, but going back to it after playing 3 and 4 is pretty rough. The controls just feel super clunky by comparison.

If the owner is moored in someone else’s marina, then he is paying docking fees that contribute to the property taxes the marina owner pays as the owner of the land the marina resides on.

I don't have PTSD.

I would be a called slurs like faggot and retard because I was involved in starting a GSA at my school and I had ADHD. My bully would shove me into banks of lockers while walking down the hall and even tripped me as I was coming down stairs. No help or support from school staff.

Breaking my bullies nose in highschool was the only thing that made him stop bullying me. Was it right? Apparently a lot of people will say it wasn’t. But it worked, so that’s the lesson I took from it.

If Chris Rock never purposefully shames her for losing her hair again, then I guess that slap was a working solution to the problem.

Letting it go shouldn’t mean thinking that bullying behaviour shouldn’t have consequences.

Gotcha. It’s ok to say anything about anyone as long as someone is paying you to do it. And it’s definitely ok to single someone out because they have a medical condition beyond their control.

My high school bully, or at least the worst of them, the ringleader so to speak, stopped bothering me when I was 16 after I broke his nose. It was a good life lesson for me. He never shoved me into a bank of lockers or tripped me coming down the stairs again after that. Never stopped using the F-slur, but he stopped

Just so we’re clear, it’s ok to purposefully use someone’s appearance due to a medical condition to make them feel hurt and ashamed, and to make others laugh at them for it, just as long as you’re getting paid to do it?

For sure. That really was the worst take I've seen about this.

Ah. So retaliating is bullying. I, like, totally get it now. Thanks for clearing that up.

By the way, you missed something in your definition of bully. A bully uses words or physicality TO HURT, intimidate, or coerce. Chris Rock was trying to get cheap laughs by making a joke predicated on a woman FEELING HURT about losing her hair due to alopecia.

So if a guy were to shamelessly mock a woman with alopecia over her hair loss to get cheap laughs from his workmates or schoolmates, that wouldn't be bullying?  But because Chris Rock is on stage and getting paid to do it, it's different?

Sorry for saying it's dumb to fall for the "it's just a joke" defense that worked when I was a kid. My teachers and principals were stupid to fall for it back then, and people have to be stupid to fall for it now.

It's not about me, but my history is why I can recognise when someone is being a bully. It's why I can recognise that Chris Rock was being a bully.

Come on guy. You don’t need to be a fucking genius to see that if you bully a woman over her alopecia for a cheap laugh, then getting slapped is really just getting what’s coming to you.

“It’s just a joke.”

Nah. I'm always alright with seeing karma find its way to a bully.

You call it making a tasteless joke at someones expense, I call it acting like a sixth grade bully when you’re almost 60.