I thought Overwatch was an arena shooter?
I thought Overwatch was an arena shooter?
Buff Jizzos.
Because she's just another scummy politician who's only in it for themselves and you should all feel ashamed for being stupid enough to believe she was anything better than that?
I'd be searching the house to make sure Christine was ok.
No one cares about San Francisco.
Your kids won't go "hey, that's John Wick!"?
IDM lol. Silly name. Does it imply that Richard D. James music takes more intelligence to produce than the minimal techno of Robert Hood? And a good portion of it isn't really "dance" music, but rather the kind of shit you want to listen to while coming down.
This song is an all-time great banger.
The disparity in access to credit and the resultant inability to mortgage a home is a large component of the racial wealth gap between black and white people in America. White homeowners reaped the benefits of increased property values over time while black families were stuck renting.
Racist white people didn't want to live in neighbourhoods with non-white people, and feared that non-white families in the neighbourhood would negatively impact property values. If I'm not mistaken, this is the root of the colloquial expression "there goes the neighborhood".
Stevie Wonder is God. Just God.
And if we feel threatened enough we take the whitest looking people we currently exclude and invite them into the club. See, Italians and Irish.
I think that being so self-hating that you would throw your own under the bus for the sake of pretending to be something you aren’t is supposed to be the putdown. And maybe that’s problematic too, I don’t know.
Nah, man's totally irrelevant culturally and no one would even be talking about him if he weren't running his mouth about Lil Nas X, someone who is actually respected for being unashamedly true to himself. I like to optimistically believe that the success of a seemingly decent young man like Lil Nas X says more about…
But was that twice as expensive boot of high enough quality to be worth recrafting by a cobbler instead of buying a new pair of boots?
Or make eye contact, if that’s your thing.
Having no hands is no big deal, right?
You think it’s because you work hard when really, it’s because union shops made those benefits into things that non-union jobs had to match in order to remain competitive in the labour market. So you are actually where you are because of unions.
I think it feels like early South Park. And I'm ok with that.
CDPR is an indie developer. Cyberpunk 2077 is an indie game.