
If Jagmeet and the dippers came out in favour of UBI, then he could kick a puppy on live tv and I'd still vote NDP.

We need to go back to the good old days, when schools were run by nuns who would beat the left handedness out of a child.

I don't know how to feel about these things when they happen to other people. I lost my virginity at 14 to a 19 year old, and I don't view my own personal experience as that of being raped. I do know age of consent laws exist for a reason and that it serves the greatest good for the greatest number of people when they

Strongly considering it. My thought process? Its 200 hundred dollars cheaper and I'm not made of money.

Never allow nazis to have anything.

I'll be pissed if they cop out like that.

With that domain name and picture of Superman, I'll be pissed if they don't follow through and actually let us ice the seven.

You aren’t alone in your preference for Janet. I would add that Janet made a lot of music written to challenge a listener to consider their own beliefs and preconceptions. Janet would make music designed to make you feel outrage, despair, guilt, and other less comfortable emotions.

Kids aren’t capable of making sound decisions at 18 because our culture doesn:t raise them to be such.

The nazis didnt invert the swastika. It’s always existed in both orientations.

Most of what that person said really is a bunch of blah blah blah. But they do have a point about Sonys abuse of the DMCA. I think Kotaku ignored that story to preserve access. It should have been a big story.

Calling furby evil is redundant because all furbys are evil.

Stupid comment is stupid.

If you have 10 bad cops out of 1000, but the other 990 close ranks to shield the 10 bad cops from criticism and consequence, you have 1000 bad cops.

You’re the one who decided to turn things into a theology lecture, not me.

Do you think Europeans spread the word of God because they were benevolent? Do you think they ripped African peoples faith in their indigenous Gods away from them to save them?

Those sound like a whole lot of words describing A MAN reaching his breaking point, while trying to avoid using the words breaking point.

Just hush your fuss and there won’t be any muss.”

Under most circumstances what you say is true. Under a declared state of insurrection or rebellion, however, it’s legal.

Who's this Spanfeller guy you mention? I thought this place was run by some guy named Herb?