“Oh well, there will always be a next mass shooting, when we can all drop our voices a register or two and talk about how sad and senseless everything is and lament that nothing changes”
“Oh well, there will always be a next mass shooting, when we can all drop our voices a register or two and talk about how sad and senseless everything is and lament that nothing changes”
I'm not on birth control or psychiatric medication, so I wish I could try this sugarbomb this halloween.
Pitter patter, lets get at 'er.
I don’t think you want to ban video games. But I do think the topic doesn’t need analysis, as video game violence in no way causes real world violence. This topic is well trodden territory in games media, including on this site. If anything, I think that giving any further time to this inane and worthless subject only…
I’ve only seen the first season myself.
So basically, your Arbys fries usually aren't fresh? Thats a damned shame, Arbys curly fries are pretty great hot out of the fryer.
But Arbys curly fries are so much better. They're basically the only reason to ever eat Arbys.
Do you believe every urban legend you hear?
Someones been watching Letterkenny.
I hated blue cheese. Now blue cheese is one of my favourite things. If I didnt allow myself tos develop a taste for blue cheese, I never would have been able to enjoy what has become one of my favourite foods.
What were your impressions of Kurdish military culture and of their culture in general? What were your impressions of various organizations like the YPG, PUK, KDP, etc.
Why hello there, Jack Thompson.
Yes, because it wouldn't be fun to play in a utopian setting with no central conflict to drive the narrative.
You might have a point if the game were an Epic exclusive. But it isn't an Epic exclusive, so you have no point.
It's both?
It's both?
I believe that “(of a commodity) not obtainable elsewhere.”, is more applicable to video game availability, as video games are a commodity. And because that’s the definition of exclusive that has always been applied to video games. It feels weird to suddenly change what "exclusive" refers to.
Italy disagrees with you.
My local brewpub always has an ever-rotating SMaSH (single-malt, single hop) IPA on tap.
You can buy it from Microsoft.
Theres an exclusivity deal to be on two platforms?