It's New England, shouldn't 'Gansett be the best available option?
It's New England, shouldn't 'Gansett be the best available option?
Anyone who gets to that state is a rank amateur drinker. I can manage 10+ drinks at the office Christmas party without ever being “that guy”, meanwhile last year one of my coworkers managed to piss himself. I just don’t get it.
I mean, he's not wrong. It's not really an honour. It's just a stupid photo op designed to make a member of the political elite appear to have the common touch in the eyes of the idiot masses. It's part of the circus in bread and circuses.
Poor widdle snowflake wit your twiggered fee fees. Go back 2 your breitbart hugbox.
I think you meant to say that WHITE suspected criminals under arrest have the right to be treated humanely while in police custody. Because cops treat black people in America like animals.
Voted for the neo-nazi candidate espousing anti-semitic conspiracy theories, but isn’t a neo-nazi?
You seem like you would be real fun at parties.
Thin Blue Line is a great name for a flag, considering that the bad cops can only act with impunity because the good cops protect them from being punished for it. Which I guess makes them not actually goos cops.
Bad cops get away with being bad cops for years at time because good cops protect them. Which makes the good cops bad cops. You make it sound like every police force is full of Serpicos.
Why do the 5 percent act with impunity? Because the 95 percent cover for the 5 percent. ACAB.
Did someone hurt your pwecious fee fees lil snowfwake?
You would think they would check the launcher for bugs before people have a chance to click the launcher.
You know, most Canadians learn about the Red River Rebellion in history class.
I think 5 is too old to count as a toddler, but still young enough to call an anklebiter.
He’s not in the greys because his obvious sarcasm is obviously sarcasm.
It’s almost like a person could use clothing as a costume instead of greasepaint.
The United States didn’t respond seeiously after 9/11 because they didn’t go after the Saudis, who were the state actor offering financial and training support to the attackers.
That is not the line. It is not even close. Stone Cold attacking VKM in the hospital is one of the greatest segments in the history of RAW, and I would scream and cheer like mark I am if they did some sort of callback to it.
Moondog was an honest to god respected composer. He made a childrens record with Julie Andrews. Yes, that Julie Andrews. The Sound of Music Julie Andrews. Leonard Bernstein, conductor of the New York Philharmonic and composer of West Side Story and many other famed shows, would listen to him perform in the street. He…
ESVI will probably be a single player game.