Christ on a bike.
Christ on a bike.
The ultimate in dumbassed idiocy.. a video that explains a comic... just read the fucking comics or accept the stories are beyond you.
Nah, Supergirl ruins it, that show is so bad.
“The free expression of ideas is a foundational principle of not only Twitter but also of America.”
This is a great pity.
THIS version might get a TV show or movie?
Well considering that Singer is a raper of young men I’m glad the fucker is gone, now if someone in America would just use their guns for what they are meant to be used for then we might actually get a Singer-free world.
They give us movies with good ideas... then they go and hire people like Amy Adams to be in them.
Whoever did that to Rutger Hauer should be shot in the head.
“America will still be the greatest nation on Earth.”
I’m really suspicious of the person who took the photo.
Colouring books for adults are an abomination.
Hardly.. I want to SEE the transformation, not have it described to me...