
“No harm, no foul”?

I’ve been calling America the second incarnation of Rome for years.. nice to see at least someone has caught up.

I’ve given up on games that don’t bother with showing the actual story and instead make the player collect some letters that ‘tell the story’ that way.

You actually BUY a tea cleaning product?

You actually BUY a tea cleaning product?

Really, this big advertisement and you don’t have the integrity to also mention that Vibram were sued over false health claims and actual injury stemming from Fivefinger boot useage?

Is that a renewed interest in playing the game or a renewed interest in making money from it?

TSR D&D, fair enough.. but the Wizards stuff? Bollocks.

OF COURSE IT IS.. look at the pattern, most games that get a PC port now are a fucking mess for at least a month after release.. it’s being done on purpose for console parity.

Whoever did that to Rutger Hauer should be shot in the head.