
Everybody says “don’t use Google Chrome anymore” but at least I don’t get this bullshit.

The Blizzard of ‘78 not only caused a bunch of shortages in its own right, but the weather forecast completely whiffed on the severity of the storm, meaning anybody in New England who either remembers that storm or is familiar with the lore of said storm (I was seven months old when it hit but Mom talked about it

I wonder just how much travel they want you to do, because a thousand bucks pretax (and since it’s 1099 work, taxed at a higher rate because you’re on the hook for both portions of the Social Security tax plus the income tax) doesn’t favorably compare to even a decent job in the kinds of cities they’re probably

It’s a problem hardly limited to North America; the word “barbarian”, after all, is a coinage of the ancient Greeks and referred to the languages of mainly the Illyrian and Thracian peoples who sounded like they were just saying “bar bar bar”—what today we render as “blah, blah, blah”, which served as proof to the

This was my thought. On my dad’s side of the family I can trace Mi’kmaq ancestry to French fur trappers who traded with and lived among the First Nations of Nova Scotia; the Mohawk people were a lot further southwest in what is today upstate New York. Seems more than a bit bizarre to place Vinland both that far south

So did the blatant disregard for basic contract law, the dripping desperation for relevance required to get in hock with the Russkies, and the other side putting up one of the least likable candidates in my 44 years on this earth in an election that should’ve been a slam dunk with the economy still going strong and

Meanwhile, some cop’s like “I bet I could use this on black people...”

Only if someone wires in and activates the Chinese army invasion failsafe.

Is there just a rash of white teachers nationwide who hate their jobs and want to make absolutely sure they never, ever, ever teach again, like an extreme form of cold-turkey quitting of hard drugs?

No One Is Responsible for Dr. Susan Moore’s Death”

Welcome to Portland. Don’t worry, the weirdo sexual deviants in power armor won’t show up until 2281. (via American Truck Simulator)

Boy, you can say that again, brother!”

“This means that in a given year, your team’s chance of winning a championship is roughly 3%.”

The use of a locker reminded me of nothing so much as You Can’t Do That On Television.

Hey, say what you will about the geoduck, but slice that sucker up and fry it and it’s delicious. Back East, clam strips are flavorless and depressing. On the West Coast, they’re damn tasty. Although I will admit I prefer razor clams for the purpose. I won’t go quite so far as to say Seattle clam chowder’s better than

With a million-dollar loan from your dad and no discernible business acumen, you can become president of the United States.

At least Jalopnik has Torchinsky.

Absolutely. This is late-stage capitalism demonstrated, namely the part where people will willingly be exploited to feel close to dubious fame.

Good. May it serve as a sneak preview of her eternal afterlife.