I’ve said this elsewhere and I’ll say it again.
I’ve said this elsewhere and I’ll say it again.
“Hundred Days - Winemaking Simulator”
...”signaling the official start of summer”
Wow, that’s...absurd and needlessly complicated.
When I moved from Boston to Reno in 2002, I saw what hell looks like.
I grew up somewhere between “Working poor” and “lower middle-class”, and cars were part of an overall object lesson that “save money wherever you can” (she was a coupon clipper and no dodgy-looking ‘manager’s special’ meat was too suspect to feed to her kids, for example)...
“It’s worth further noting that Tesla, as a company, is aware of the fact that Autopilot is not actually a fully self-driving technology”
You’d be surprised how many old folks, once they’ve retired, get really into learning new things.
“Everyone has their own strategies for dealing with these decisions when forced to make them. Some of those include sitting in a dark corner eating saltines covered in a weighted blanket, or simply ignoring a problem, hoping that it magically disappears.”
They Might Be Giants may have said in song “you’re not the boss of me”, but now that I think of it, this is more Jonathan Coulton:
Recently I’ve found that I don’t really need any of them—the only thing I watch anymore is pro basketball, and I have League Pass for local-market games and Sling TV for ESPN/TNT/NBA TV national broadcasts.
I went through my entire childhood and adolescence with an undiagnosed autism spectrum disorder (I’ve always had decent language skills, so it never occurred to anyone.) They probably just thought I was a sociopath.
I was routinely hauled into the principal’s office for being mean to the slower kids in the class in 1st/2nd/3rd grade, saying some variation on “can you just go back to kindergarten so the rest of us can learn something?” or insinuating that they belonged in “the retard classes.” Besides the obvious problem (little ki…
Chungo Humongo, just look upon his face
Just remember, if a piece of space junk falls on someone and kills them, do not put Worcestershire sauce in the embalming fluid. Bad things will happen.
My dad (a bit too old to be a Boomer, born a month before Pearl Harbor in 1941) had that life. He graduated from high school in 1959, went into the Air Force for four years, and took a job at Delta Air Lines when he got out in ‘63. He worked for them for the rest of his too-short life, passing away at age 44 in…
I joke that we should pulp everyone over 65 into Soylent Green to solve the Social Security crisis...
The best villages in video games?
Who the fuck did Apple get as a lawyer? Tipper Gore?