“Customizing beverages at Starbucks and our baristas’ expertise in helping customers find and craft the right beverage has and always will be the heart of the Starbucks Experience,”
“Customizing beverages at Starbucks and our baristas’ expertise in helping customers find and craft the right beverage has and always will be the heart of the Starbucks Experience,”
I meant what I said and I said what I meant.
I never picked up a taste for lengua, but tacos al pastor are legit.
True, and it’s probably better to have too few Hall of Famers than too many (glares at Allen Iverson being in the Basketball Hall of Fame when he’s the most overrated player of all time)
I don’t normally think about ways to lose a significant portion of one’s penis in the shower either, but sometimes weird thoughts hit under that hot water.
Ubisoft’s just outright stealing business ideas from meth dealers at this point. “Your first hit is free!”
“and the great-grandaddy of foundational anime shows for Black weebs: Cowboy motherfucking Bebop.“
Wrong Springfield, dingus. Ha-ha!
For external use only.
Plus, I think they’re not letting enough games in with their selection criteria.
“Strong National Museum of Play”
Which probably would’ve been necessary. Because there’s still a lot of Helen Lovejoying about any media that’s outwardly cutesy but inwardly...not.
I see you are a man of culture as well.
All across the country and coast (coast)
True. Also I never knew the plural of mohel was mohalim, but I guess it makes sense in a Semitic language like Hebrew.
The question at issue here is, I think, less “is Sony a monopoly with PlayStation” (it is, at least according to the parameters defined by controlling all aspects of the digital storefront for that platform) and more “Is Sony’s monopoly on PlayStation sufficient to create an anti-competitive market?”
On March 31, Nintendo’s installed Switch userbase was closer to 53 million (they sold 24.1 million units in the first three fiscal quarters combined - source https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/02/nintendo_switch_has_overtaken_3ds_lifetime_sales_in_just_four_years )
Step 1: It isn’t.
Coming from a white trash Massachusetts family, I’m able to turn it on like a switch on the West Coast. I try never to go full Masshole (except that Starbucks story I posted in the comments on The Takeout.)